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- Passive House Schools - Boundary Conditions @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools
- t amount of fresh air (which is around some 15 to 30 m³/h per person in schools depending on the age) ... _gruppenraum_lueftung_passivhausschule.jpg?direct&300|A group room in the Passive House school in Brem... e for keeping the indoor relative humidity above ~30%. An air humidifier will have to be used if exter... [{{ :picopen:passivhausschule_waldshut.jpg?direct&300|The Justus-Liebig Passive House school in Waldsh
- Passive House schools – How to go about it @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools
- sschule_montessori_aufkirchen_muenchen.jpg?direct&300|Integrated into the countryside, friendly, almos... :passivhausschule_alsfeld1900und2007_k.jpg?direct&300|Old and new: Passive House extension at the Albe... :picopen:thermographie_altbau_alsfeld.png?direct&300|Old building: the Albert-Schweitzer Secondary Sc... ographie_neubau_passivhaus_kippfenster.png?direct&300|New Passive House building: the Albert-Schweitze
- Energy efficiency in cafeterias and commercial kitchens @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:cafeterias_and_commercial_kitchens
- Ventilation in commercial kitchens @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:cafeterias_and_commercial_kitchens
- Introduction: Retail stores as Passive Houses
- lightly lower. The electricity consumption is ca. 300 kWh/(m²a). Typical electricity consumptions of 7... he EN 12464 standard stipulates an illuminance of 300 lx. With state of the art technology, this can b... stalled outputs are often much higher with around 30 W/m², and illuminance levels may even be higher t... t there are net internal heat losses of more than 30 W/m² in the end. The total electricity consumptio
- Aspects of efficient ventilation in hospitals @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph_hospitals
- ion should be ramped up to the design volume flow 30 minutes before the room is used. In this way, the... perating rooms are not used and switched on again 30 minutes beforehand, their annual power consumptio... on with the building owner. In examination rooms, 30 m³/h per person is recommended, in line with reco
- Baseline study - implementing the Passive House concept in hospitals @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph_hospitals
- cesses can reduce energy consumption by more than 30 percent even though energy efficiency has not bee