Fulltext results:
- Energy efficiency of the Passive House Standard: Expectations confirmed by measurements in practice @operation:operation_and_experience:measurement_results
- , Frankfurt a.M.===== {{:picopen:grempstrasse.jpg?300 |}} In 2002, the multi-family Passive House bui... non-refurbished building located at a distance of 300 m at the same time resulted in an average heatin... was demonstrated by the evaluation of a total of 3014 buildings of different types, uses and sizes in... :picopen:results_of_airtightness_measurements_in_3014_passive_houses_and_enerphit_retrofits..png?500
- User experiences @operation:operation_and_experience
- ation, this has only been operated for a total of 30 hours, although the northern house is still unocc... atures are also excellent. At the moment we have 30 °C outside, inside in my office the temperature i