Fulltext results:
- Are Passive Houses cost-effective? @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- e external wall insulation should be increased to 300 mm and the brickwork should be reduced to 115 mm... \\ A<sub>N</sub> according to EnEV). Each year, 1330 litres of heating oil are\\ used for heating.**//... *. It gets even better: instead of using about 13300 kWh fuel oil or natural gas, the Passive House o... a loan). The consideration period has been set as 30 years; the building components used will function
- Economic feasibility of Passive House design
- hole PH building were about 1200 €/m² (cost group 300 building envelope and cost group 400 building se... stant interest rate| | lifetime of components | **30 a** | building service: ventilation with heat recovery, radiators (average value)| | " | **30 a** | windows| | " | **50 a** | termal insulatio
- Life cycle cost analysis of energy interventions in 18 reference buildings
- {{:picopen:newco-funded-iee-horiz.jpg?300}} [[http://www.passreg.eu/|{{:picopen:logo_passreg.png?230}}]] \\ \\ ====== Life cycle cost analysis of en... 0| |Terraced house (middle), built 1975-1991|211.830,00|-33.921,00| |Terraced house (middle), built 19... | | |Portico flat, built before 1946|204.110,00|-30.323,00| **Appendix** Brochure Examplary house
- Economy and financing of efficiency: new buildings, renovation and step by step retrofit @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- t_ebel_fig3.png}}|{{:picopen:18pht_ebel_fig_4.png?300}}| |//**Figure 2:** Residual values for calcul... iscount rate, residual values can easily be up to 30% or more of the original investment.\\ * Inter