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- Criteria for buildings in other languages @certification:certified_passive_houses
- n ===== Valid for PHPP 7 (2012):\\ {{:picopen:20130604_passivehouse_certification_criteria_residentia... g.pdf|Residential in Bulgarian}} \\ {{:picopen:20130604_passivehouse_certification_criteria_nonresiden... f|Non-residential in Bulgarian}} \\ {{:picopen:20130604_enerphit_certification_criteria_bg.pdf|EnerPHi... ian ===== Valid for PHPP 8 (2014): {{:picopen:20130829_passivehouse_certification_criteria_residentia
- Evaluation of server and server room efficiency for non-residential buildings that exceed the primary energy criterion
- ssible to choose extremely efficient servers (Top 30) or build one's own server using the listed hardw... erver. The key points are: * Refer to the Top 30 SPECpower_ssj2008-Benchmarks for guidance relatin
- Certified Passive House Components
- of 5 K between the half spaces, derived from ISO7730). Where this alone is not sufficient for formulat
- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached @certification:passive_house_categories
- of the energy is used to produce electricity and 30 percent to produce useful heat, with only 20 perc... icity becomes 150 percent heat in addition to the 30 percent useful heat from the cogeneration unit. A... as shown in variant 3b. Then, demand comes in at 30 kWh/(m²TFA*a) to fulfill Passive House Premium. H... the roof. It is harder to reduce energy demand to 30 kWh/(m²a) of renewable primary energy. In the hea