- Date:
- 2021/06/23 17:27
- Filename:
- members_area_picture.png
- Format:
- Size:
- 96KB
- Width:
- 4596
- Height:
- 1155
- References for:
- Achieving climate neutrality in the building sector by 2050
- Klimatická neutralita budov do roku 2050
- Konstrukce a monitoring první veřejné školy v USA v pasivním standardu
- Pasivní dům – rozvoj ve všech směrech
- Větrání a kvalita vzduchu v bytech po rekonstrukci s běžným větráním okny a s řízeným větráním
- Comparison of accounted costs of renovation: a low energy building and a Passive House side by side
- The Passive House as a prototype of the "Nearly Zero Energy Building"
- Las Vegas: A location in a hot, dry climate
- Dubai: A location in a hot, humid climate
- Condensation on exterior surfaces in tropical climates
- Design guidelines for tropical Passive Houses
- Free-running buildings in tropical climates
- Interior insulation in tropical climates
- Mechanical services in tropical climates
- Design guidelines for tropical Passive Houses
- Mumbai: A location in a tropical climate
- Mumbai: Dynamic building simulation for a Reference Passive House
- Salvador da Bahia: A location in a tropical climate
- Salvador da Bahia: Dynamic building simulation for a Reference Passive House
- Singapore: A location in a tropical climate
- Singapore: Dynamic building simulation for a Reference Passive House
- Hygrothermal analysis of building components for the location Singapore
- Hygrothermal analysis of building components for tropical climates
- Summary of the parametric studies for tropical climates
- Frost protection for ventilation heat recovery
- Frost-free foundations
- Yekaterinburg: A location in a cold climate
- Yekaterinburg: Findings
- Yekaterinburg: Parameter variations
- Results of the parameter studies - Basement Ceiling Insulation
- Results of the parameter studies - Compactness
- Results of the parameter studies - Infiltration
- Results of the parameter studies - Roof Insulation
- Results of the parameter studies - Wall Insulation
- Results of the parameter studies - Window Area
- Dynamic building simulation for a Reference Passive House
- Passive House in warm climates - best-practice strategies
- Passive Houses in South-West Europe - a theoretical analysis
- Shanghai: A location in a subtropical, mild climate
- Solutions for heating and cooling supply in moist-warm climates
- Version 1: Supply air heating and cooling
- Version 2: heating, cooling, and dehumidification in all supply air rooms
- Version 3: Heating and cooling through tempered intermediate ceilings, central dehumidification
- Solutions for high outdoor air humidity in the summer
- Tokyo/Hyakuri: A location in a subtropical, mild climate
- Passive House in different climate zones - building services
- Passive House in different climate zones - technical and economic feasibility
- Climate conditions
- Description of the calculation model and method
- The Passive House concept in New Zealand
- The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Conclusion
- Conventional building in New Zealand
- The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Humidity
- Insulation levels
- North-oriented window area
- The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Orientation
- Parameter variations
- The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Summer comfort
- The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Thermal insulation
- Thermal mass
- The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Ventilation
- The Passive House concept in New Zealand: Window quality
- Adapted window qualities
- Climate data sets from EOSWEB
- Choosing locations
- Hygrothermal analysis of building components
- Reference site: Essen
- Dynamic building simulations for Reference Passive Houses
- Nuremberg case study: Air exchange and air distribution testing
- Nuremberg case study: Examination of the external envelope using thermographic imaging
- Nuremberg case study: Testing for airtightness
- Nuremberg case study: Thermographic inspection with reference to building services
- The logical path - From Passive House to zero-emission house: renting without heating bills
- Certification and primary energy balance calculation for compact heat pumps
- Air conveyance
- Airtightness
- Chimneys
- Wood Stoves
- Non-room-sealed operation
- Room-sealed operation
- Safety considerations
- Available systems, example application and analysis
- Heating and DHW systems in Passive Houses - Appendix
- Heating and DHW systems in Passive Houses - Case study: Schrecksbach, Germany
- Heating and DHW systems in Passive Houses - Cost development
- Systems adapted for the Passive House
- The specific PE value - parameters
- Biomass heating in Passive Houses
- Sound protection measures for heat pumps - Analysis of sound paths
- Sound protection measures for heat pumps - Dimensioning sound insulation
- Sound protection measures for heat pumps - Excitation sources in heat pumps
- Sound protection measures for heat pumps
- Conditions for dimensioning
- Possibilities and limitations for setting up devices
- Practical implementation of the encasing (enclosure)
- Prevention of airborne sound through walls
- Sound protection simulation based on EN 12354
- Soundproofing of doors
- Suspended ceiling with duct installation
- Passive House heating systems in practice - A brief description of the projects
- Passive House heating systems in practice - Classification and procedures
- Passive House heating systems in practice - Electricity consumption
- Passive House heating systems in practice - Heat consumption and heating load
- Passive House heating systems in practice - Primary energy
- Passive House heating systems in practice - Total useful energy and losses
- Method
- Parameter variation
- Reduction of the supply air rate in the living room
- Conclusions / planning tips
- Automatic volume flow balancing in ventilation units
- Flow rate adjustment in ventilation systems
- Calculating the Treated Floor Area
- Comparison with dynamic simulation
- PHPP: Active cooling algorithms
- Climate data tool
- Climate data tool for the Southern Hemisphere
- PHPP - Solar DHW worksheet
- Comfort
- Dynamic response of a commercial kitchen
- Energy balance according to PHPP
- Energy flows in cooking equipment
- Energy flows in dishwashers
- Exemplary approaches for kitchen appliances – "solutions in the appliance"
- Reducing demand for extract air
- Air Quality in Schools
- Impact of additional reveal shading (external insulation) on the daylight factor
- Obstructions and atria
- Visual transmission through multi-pane glazing
- Overview of inter-dependence of individual energy efficiency measures
- Heating balances of modernisation variants
- Home ventilation
- Improved airtightness in existing buildings
- Passive House windows
- Structural thermal protection measures
- Suggestions for promoting implementation
- Special features of modernisations
- Main objectives of refurbishments with Passive House components
- Improving thermal bridges and airtightness in existing buildings
- Basement ceiling insulation
- Roof insulation
- Thermal insulation of the exterior wall
- Interior Insulation – basics
- Minimising thermal bridges in existing buildings
- Basic principles for windows and windows on refurbished projects
- Integration of ventilation ducts
- Optimization of roller shutters and exterior blinds
- Passive House windows completely redesigned
- Required U-values for Passive House windows
- Adapting the certification criteria and glazing for European climate zones
- Heat pumps in Passive Houses – PHPP application
This list might not be complete due to ACL restrictions and hidden pages.