====== Residential buildings ====== [{{:picopen:ph_kranichstein_south.jpg?350|}}]**Here you can see [[examples:residential_buildings:Multi-family buildings:Central Europe:The world’s first Passive House, Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany | the world’s first Passive House]], a Passive House with four units in Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany. One end row house is used as an example in the tool PHPP [[planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package]].** ---- [{{:picopen:hannover_kronsberg_phi.jpg?350}}]**Another well documented and monitored example for Passive Houses can be found in Hannover-Kronsberg, Germany. These 32 row houses in Passive House Standard were described in the European project CEPHEUS (Cost efficient Passive House as European Standards): {{:picopen:eu_project_pep-info1_passive_houses_kronsberg.pdf|Download}} project report "Climate Neutral Passive House Estate in Hannover- Kronsberg: Construction and Measurement Results" (pdf; 4.54 MB )** \\ ---- ===== Project examples ===== [[examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses|Single-family houses]] [[examples:residential_buildings:Multi-family buildings]] [[examples:residential_buildings:Nursing homes]] ---- [[http://www.passivhausprojekte.de/index.php?lang=en | Passive House Building Database]] \\ iPHA provides a map of Certified Passive House buildings on record [[https://passivehouse-international.org/index.php?page_id=288|here]].