The Passive House is the world’s leading standard for energy-efficient construction; the savings in heating costs are usually over 80 % in contrast with the national statutory standards for new constructions. The heating demand is less than 15 kWh/(m²a) in the Passive House, based on the “heated/cooled usable area” (TFA, roughly: the living area).
The method for building a Passive House for a certain construction project and a particular climate is described in generally accessible literature – the tools necessary for this, like the PHPP for example, are available on the market. There are many Certified Passive House Components available – for central European climate zones as well as for other climates. Based on the criteria for Passive Houses, there are also criteria for older buildings.
The planning and construction of Passive Houses demands certain skills which can be easily acquired by architects and specialist engineers (e.g. through “learning by doing”). The concept as such was intentionally not protected - information is freely available to anyone who is authorised to present required documentation for buildings and he or she is free to build a Passive House on his/her own responsibility. However, the PHI recommends that an experienced Passive House Designer or Consultant be consulted, at least in an advisory capacity, especially for the first project. PHI recommends that an application be made for the building for certification as a Quality Approved Passive House.