Table of Contents

For trade disciplines

and those involved in the construction of the building

Improving a building's energy-efficiency and integrating renewable energy sources into the building's energy supply are the most effective measures for reducing space heating demand. We can implement these approaches swiftly to respond to the current energy supply crisis. Of course, “behaviour-related energy savings” can and will play a role in this respect, we will discuss this in another article. However, all three together - renewable energy, efficiency, and sufficiency - complement each other perfectly and are not “in competition” with one another, as is sometimes assumed. This article will focus on structural and technical approaches for reducing the heating demand, and thus fiel consumption, of buildings. There are a variety of skills found across different trade disciplines that play a singificant role in this topic.

The Passive House Institute has decades of experience with systems engineering, concentrating on heat pumps and other heating strategies, ventilation, windows, thermal protection and airtightness. The Institute has developed considerable know-how relating to the most effective implementation of such measures. Much of this information is documented on For tradespeople and their respective disciplines, specific step-by-step information is summarised here. For those wishing to expand their professional skills, the Institute and its course provider partners worldwide offer courses on energy-efficient construction especially for tradespeople. You can find out more here: Tradesperson Course on Energy Efficiency.


Some basic guidelines in advance: