This is the ressource for insights, informations and experience around the worlds leading sustainable building concept: The Passive House. If you are new to the topic, you might want to see the 90second-video first, created by Hans-Jörn-Eich.
The Passive House isn't just another eco-super-whatever label. It's a whole integrated concept for designing, constructing and maintaining buildings, which will provide high indoor air quality and best possible thermal comfort with only negligible annual costs. The amount of energy needed to keep the comfort high is regularly in the range of only one tenth (1/10 or 10% or 0.1) of what has been used in a comparable building in the past. This is one important reason, why the Passive House is sustainable: Such a building can be operated for hundreds of years without compromising the living costs for the occupants, but also without compromising any other person, born or yet to be born, on the planet. And: You can build and maintain a Passive House using local ressources; another reason, why it is sustainable.
You do not believe this, it is so promising, that it can not be true? I am with you - this is the first message for my students in my university lectures: Do not just believe everything which is told to you - be sceptical, use your own mind. (But use it! Don't just stay with your prejudices.) If you want to scrutinise all issues related to the Passive House concept, this is the right place for you to do so. Here is just another video, giving a first short insight (8 minutes) into what has been accomplished sofar - because Passive House is not just pure theory, it's not a mere philosophy, it's tenthausends of already realized and well performing buildings and it is a bunch of components which have been tried and tested for decades.
If there are already ten thousands of such buildings … where can you see some? There are several resources and I recommend starting with the two little books honoring the finalists of the two Passive House Architecture Awards:
These are some of the outstanding examples - and there are a whole lot realized projects, all around the globe. You may approach lots of these using the search engine in the Passive House Projects data base:
From the diversity of the examples you see in these resources, you can see:
After all, you might want to spend a little bit more time (1 hour) to see a longer presentation as an overview on the state of the art globally? This is a lecture given in Tokyo/Japan:
To use the Passipedia resource, you might just start with reading some information on the basic facts: Basics of the Passive House Concept. Or, you can search for specific topics: Like, what is this “airtightness”-issue about - why do buildings have to be airtight, how can you realize this in practice - and what are the experiences: airtightness.
These pages are science based. What does that mean? In science, we generally have a sceptic approach - you do not get your insights “from the gut”. You question, whether a generally accepted opinion is valid. Doing this consequently, you will step by step get rid of the not working, inappropriate prejudices. That is, why using the scientific method, your results will be as good as these can be - for the moment. But: We always can do better. Therefore, there might be and will be improvements: Even less expensive solutions for the window, e.g., just to mention one path the Passive House Institute is working on.