SINFONIA Condensation Tool


The Condensation Tool is the new tool developed by Passive House Institute, in the commonly used Excel format *.xlsx.

This tool is based on the International Standard ISO 13788:2012 and provides simplified calculation methods that enable calculation of:

The moisture transfer theory is complex and requires information that is typically hard to gather; the theory requires highly specific knowledge of hygrothermal calculation.
The most common values available for the building materials are not sufficient for describing the moisture transfer process accurately. The designer needs more data e.g. moisture and capillarity function, moisture content of the material, inclination of the component, short and long-wave radiations, hourly climate data etc., to obtain more precise and complete results.
This method brings more reliable results for lightweight and airtight components that do not contain materials with a large water storage capacity.

This method (Glaser Method) and this tool are based on simplified calculations. Users should note that where a component is not verified following this methodology, it could in theory be verified using different and more detailed methods e.g. dynamic calculations according to EN 15026.
The method is an assessment rather than an accurate prediction tool.

The ISO 13788:2012 is a monthly calculation and does not take into account:

Condensation Tool is composed by these worksheets:

The link below provides access to the full SINFONIA Condensation Tool report and instructions.

SINFONIA Condensation Tool Manual

This article was written in the framework of the EU-funded project Sinfonia and is part of its Set of Solutions giving insight in the experiences and lessons learned from a smart city project.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 609019.