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- Basic principle for calculating thermal bridges
- etween the building component and the surrounding air. The influence of radiation exchange, thermal con... ure are given: * $\theta_i$ = 20 °C for indoor air temperature * $\theta_e$ = −5 °C for outdoor air temperature The Passive House Institute uses the f... ification]]**: * $\theta_i$ = 20 °C for indoor air temperature * $\theta_e$ = −10 °C for outdoor a
- Special features and characteristics of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- epends directly on the temperature of the outdoor air, it is also influenced by radiation exchange of t... temperature is about 1 K higher than the outdoor air temperature. Thus for example, snow that falls du... rface temperature can be equated with the outdoor air temperature in practice. The heat transfer resistance between the ground surface and the outdoor air is disregarded in the process ($R_{se}$ = 0). Hea
- Unheated basement @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- between the heated interior space and the outdoor air which has to be taken into account. {{ :picopen:
- Recommended procedure for calculating thermal bridges of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- lculations of regular thermal bridges towards the air * or the ground is depicted as an additional