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- Thermal comfort parameters
- ientific background [5],[6]. [{{:picopen:fig._1_air_movement_near_to_a_passive_house_window.jpg?520 | **Fig. 1** Air movement near to a Passive House window: Due to t... rature difference between window surface and room air, the speed of air sinking at the window is small. At the floor, approximately 10 cm horizontally from
- Local thermal comfort
- e inside (the surfaces in the room and the indoor air) and the interior surface of the component with i... s, roofs etc. not more than 1 °C below the indoor air temperature, window surfaces a maximum of 3 to 3.... e following effects on all comfort criteria: * Air speeds in the room (apart from leaks – which do n... e **lifting forces are very small**. As a result, air speeds also remain very small. __**Fig.1**__ show
- Adaptive versus Heat Balance Comfort Models
- al parameters which determine thermal comfort are air temperature, radiative temperature, humidity and air velocity. The right combination of these paramete... o been confirmed by many field studies, mostly in air-conditioned office buildings in which the predict... turn depend on the exterior temperatures for non-air-conditioned buildings), a fact that is already ac