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- Heated basement
- ement ceiling and the connection of the basement wall to the basement floor slab. In the Ground workshe... ues for the basement floor slab and the basement wall are determined using the approximation function i... ne the Ψ-value, the conductances of the exterior wall, the basement wall and the basement floor slab must also be calculated. The conductance of the exterio
- Interior walls on floor slabs
- ====== Interior walls on floor slabs ====== Interior walls on floor slabs are often calculated two-dimensionally without the influence of the ground. The result ... matter of fact the thermal bridge of an interior wall on a floor slab depends on the distance from the
- Exterior wall on floor slab
- ====== Exterior wall on floor slab ====== A typical connection detail is shown below: {{ :picopen:aus... is disregarded because the insulating effect is small compared to the surrounding earth. The perimeter ... . The following U-value results for the exterior wall: {{ :picopen:aussenwand_auf_bodenplatte_abb_6.pn... \\ ===== Calculation model ===== First, an overall model is prepared for calculating the conductanc
- Unheated basement
- lues of the basement floor slab and the basement wall respectively and are based in turn on the approxi... basement is also taken into account. In order to allow energy-relevant evaluation of the connection si... b_4.png?200|}} For the unheated basement, the overall value $L_{2d}$ must also be calculated as it is f... he boundary surface of the ceiling area, which usually is not true, of course. The difference to the re