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- Heated basement @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- ement ceiling and the connection of the basement wall to the basement floor slab. In the Ground workshe... ues for the basement floor slab and the basement wall are determined using the approximation function i... ne the Ψ-value, the conductances of the exterior wall, the basement wall and the basement floor slab must also be calculated. The conductance of the exterio
- Thermal comfort parameters @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_comfort
- ment near to a Passive House window: Due to the small temperature difference between window surface and... air, the speed of air sinking at the window is small. At the floor, approximately 10 cm horizontally f... radiant temperature and air temperature remains small, * the difference in the radiant temperature in various directions remains small (less than 5 °C, known as the "radiation temperat
- Interior walls on floor slabs @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- matter of fact the thermal bridge of an interior wall on a floor slab depends on the distance from the ... mproves with increasing distance of the interior wall to the floor slab edge. [{{ :picopen:innenwand_a... a specific building the position of the interior wall is known. The Ψ-value can then be calculated base... bcalculation:examples:ewfs|section on "Exterior wall on floor slab"]]. For this, first a conductance w
- Exterior wall on floor slab @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- ====== Exterior wall on floor slab ====== A typical connection detail is shown below: {{ :picopen:aus... is disregarded because the insulating effect is small compared to the surrounding earth. The perimeter ... . The following U-value results for the exterior wall: {{ :picopen:aussenwand_auf_bodenplatte_abb_6.pn... \\ ===== Calculation model ===== First, an overall model is prepared for calculating the conductanc
- What defines thermal bridge free design?
- if the transmission losses under consideration of all [[basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridg... into account in the energy balance}}] \\ The overall temperature-specific heat loss is characterised b... ductance HT. It comprises the **regular losses of all areas A with their regular heat transfer coeffici... on of thermal bridge free design would imply that all details would have to be calculated in a multi-di
- Heating load in Passive Houses
- r to avoid dust carbonisation or the burning of small dust particles in the air. \\ This results in th... ation system (with the exception, perhaps, of a small, emergency heating unit in the bathroom). This, i... the specific advantages of buildings with very small heating loads would no longer be apparent. * I... ant role, particularly in buildings with a very small heating load. "No internal loads" only applies if
- Local thermal comfort @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_comfort
- al thermal comfort ====== It is interesting that all comfort criteria are automatically fulfilled in a... >surf</sub> ≤ 3.5 °C** still holds true. These small temperature differences have the following effects on all comfort criteria: * Air speeds in the room (ap... ich have differing temperatures. Because of the small temperature differences the **lifting forces are
- Unheated basement @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- lues of the basement floor slab and the basement wall respectively and are based in turn on the approxi... b_4.png?200|}} For the unheated basement, the overall value $L_{2d}$ must also be calculated as it is f... rical value as the sum of the heat flows across __all__ interior surfaces of the interior space. </WRAP... heat flows must be determined as part of the overall heat flux in the model, which is relatively confu
- Recommended procedure for calculating thermal bridges of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- * partial taking into account the ground with small layers of earth or with small blocks of earth in the calculation models * no depiction of the groun... temperature (see DIN 4108 Supplementray Sheet 2) All methods constitute an estimation ultimately; neve... additional numerical calculation is necessary for all components in contact with the ground so that the
- Special features and characteristics of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- ermal inertia depending on its mass. An exterior wall which absorbs heat throughout the day releases it... mperatures. The greater the mass of the exterior wall is, the longer the charging and discharging proce... ing components this time interval is relatively small. If longer time intervals are considered, such as... ithout insulation, but with a strip of insulation all around the building, - without insulation The
- Thermal comfort
- desirable heat out. This means that the floor and all interior walls stay at the same pleasant temperat... mage of a Passive House window from the inside.\\ All surfaces (window frame, casements, and glazing) a... ntly warm (above 17 °C). The temperature doesn't fall\\ below 15 °C even at the glass edge.**| \\ **Thi
- Thermal bridge calculation @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges
- ns| Roof connections, ceiling/floor connections, wall corners... | DIN EN ISO 10211
- Adaptive versus Heat Balance Comfort Models @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_comfort
- ildings (90% acceptability range)**}}] \\ * In all adaptive models known to the author, a linear rel... ot only from actual votes “comfortable”, but from all votes in the experiment. In particular, for indoo
- Basic principle for calculating thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation
- essential that the linear reference is adhered to all throughout. If interior references are used in th... de space. The reason for this is that wardrobes, wall coverings, curtains and the like reduce convectio
- Heat transfer
- e). As a rule the heat flow rate (at least with small temperature differences) is proportional to the d