Fulltext results:
- Greenhouse effect and climate protection @basics:energy_and_ecology
- C prevail on our neighbouring planet Venus. For many years, responsibly-thinking and acting people lik... was a former Minister for the environment in Germany, have always pointed out that mankind, with its u... \ The Passive House Institute doesn't need to add anymore to the information already available about cl... uences. That is the good news:\\ > ** there are many possibilities for limiting the further emission o
- The Passive House – historical review
- ling rather than heating, is required.**\\ \\ In many climate regions of the world, if buildings are "s... .\\ \\ \\ \\ ===== Working systematically in Germany: Bergmann, Bruno, Hermann, Hörster, Steinmüller, ... energy-efficient buildings was carried out in Germany by Dr. Horst Hörster (research group leader), Dr.... ive House. William A. Shurcliff (1981) authored many publications on this subject. One of the early ex
- What is a Passive House?
- a **construction concept** that can be applied by anyone and that has stood the test of practice.\\ \\ ... r making for superior air quality without causing any unpleasant draughts. This is e.g. a guarantee for... free design“]]: the insulation is applied without any “weak spots” around the whole building so as to e... ources for all future generations without causing any environmental damage. The additional energy requi
- Zero-energy and zero heating energy houses @basics:energy_and_ecology
- h: cost-efficient highly insulated houses without any heating systems, called Passive Houses, constitut... 1 the low-energy standard became compulsory. For many years already it has been a political objective o... ion (EnEV) of 2010 that is currently valid in Germany corresponds roughly with the standard for low-energy houses. However, in Germany too, the standard of construction today is better
- The Passive House in summer
- e laws of physics: **insulation does not "create" any additional heat**; it only reduces the heat excha... " Darmstadt-Kranichstein Passive House – without any shading or window ventilation"**. For the operat... ticularly hot in comparison with the average for many years.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:kippfenster_sommerwoche_... 35%. This type of operation should be excluded in any case: > **ventilation units must allow summertime
- Economy and financing of efficiency: new buildings, renovation and step by step retrofit @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- ective (EPBD) of the European Union.\\ There are many methodological frameworks that fit more or less i... lisation.//| \\ The present value of revenue (or any cash flow) is the amount needed now to yield the ... available, it is economically profitable to make any investment up to a NPV of 0.\\ Besides the net ... ncluding all the measures’ costs which are often many times higher than the additional investment costs
- Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates @basics:passive_houses_in_different_climates
- lied for excellent indoor air quality is required any more. Thus, the [[[[basics:the_passive_house_-_... h air supply required for good indoor air quality anyhow (see [[basics:passive_houses_in_different_clim... oking at the heating load is just an example. In many locations other energy services such as cooling o... be well known as the most comfortable houses - in any country and within any climate. Be aware that all
- Passive House and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Connecting an international building standard with global aims
- House Standard plays a direct role in achieving many of these global aims for the built environment. T... |\\ The Passive House Standard contributes to many of the SDGs in similar ways. Thus, to avoid repet... promote well-being for all==== Modern life sees many of us spend much of our day-to-day lives indoors.... s and bloated fossil fuel demand. Along with the many strengths of Passive Houses, they also stand the
- The Passive House - definition
- urely functional definition which doesn't contain any numerical values and is valid for all climates. T... ndard. Passive Houses have not been "invented" by anyone – in fact, the Passive House principle was dis... t on this concept:\\ * All airtight buildings (any low-energy building needs to be airtight), except... because where is no need for heating or cooling, anyhow (like in Bogota). Reasonably built Houses in t
- Economic feasibility of Passive House design @basics:affordability
- able structure to organize cost data input. For any special renovation action or new built constructi... lls was accounted for, as this is required in Germany since 2009 to provide sufficient (hygienic) conti... is not accounted in this section, because in Germany and Central Europe active cooling systems are usu... ariants – variant No 6 was realized.** \\ \\ In many cases the concern of investors is reduced to the
- Are Passive Houses cost-effective? @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- are correct. Under the present conditions in Germany and Austria, the construction of Passive Houses i... :__ The single-family house in Schrecksbach / Germany was\\ designed by Manfred Such in 1987 as the first low-energy buil-\\ ding in Germany which was very innovative at the time. Today\\ it... equired\\ by energy efficiency regulations in Germany (EnEV). We will\\ examine how expensive it would
- Passive House – the next decade | Determining application-specific PER factors @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply:passive_house_the_next_decade
- o use renewable energy to cover energy demand for any cooling that may be needed than for heating. In a... ures three or four times lower. For heating, too, any heat pump now has significant advantages compared... here it can provide greater yields, as well as in any reconversion to electricity that may be needed, p... per person (for all applications together in Germany; these figures are about the same as the global a
- Efficiency vs. Efficiency Factor
- nd are now inhabited.\\ \\ This also applies for many other energy applications; especially the final u... : it’s the fastest path from A to B without using any energy in a homogeneous gravitational field.\\ ->... ergy efficiency can be significantly improved in many areas, as can be seen in this analysis of the **[... hight on the downward slope. This means, that at any point in the lower path the x-component of the ve
- Energy efficiency – the key to future energy supply
- on values of ordinary existing buildings** in Germany.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:passivhaus_im_bestand_lu.jpg }... is extremely low (…reading a book doesn’t require any energy at all). The computer sector could do mo... was producing energy (the energy you do not need any longer) to very low costs. * The value is main... energy price, let alone the fact that even now, many countries still subsidise such energy paths and t
- Heating load in Passive Houses @basics:building_physics_-_basics
- g’s exact heating demand, guaranteed to be low in any case, is really secondary to ensuring that a Pass... n be distributed via the fresh air system without any additional costs is limited. For a house with an ... eating loads often have very high time constants (anywhere from 5 to 30 days or more). Due to this, bri... first Passive House, Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany|Darmstadt-Kranichstein]]. According to these resu
- Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard @basics:energy_and_ecology
- Efficiency of household appliances and their impact on the primary energy demand of residential buildings @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply
- Basic principle for calculating thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation
- Exterior wall on floor slab @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- Philips Experimental House Research 1974ff: Passive versus Active Measures in Europe & America @basics:the_passive_house_-_historical_review
- Factors that influence the energy balance and affordability of non-residential EnerPHit projects @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency:economic_feasibility_of_passive_house_retrofits
- Software for calculating thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation