Fulltext results:
- List of Passive House Conference contributions since 1996
- rankfurt |The first Passive House hospital in Germany – a challenge that the City of Frankfurt is pleas... |International cooperation between Korea and Germany continues: a new seminar and youth center in Goes... n Passive House between planners in Korea and Germany |393 | |2011 |15 |Passive Houses all over the wor... Plenary Session |Passive Houses – one principle, many regional solutions |571 | |2011 |15 |Poster |Luck
- PB 41: Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings @phi_publications:pb_41
- ll as periods without a cooling demand, arise on many days during the summer. Figure 6 illustrates this... he cooling loads in the extreme summer are hardly any higher; the differences are mainly due to small w... ensibly planned residential buildings as well as many non-residential buildings do not require active c... also in the case of office buildings and schools. Any weak points relate above all to buildings with a
- List of articles from the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses
- man only and the proceedings are published in Germany only (order [[https://shop.passivehouse.com/en/pr... rom the perspective of a housing construction company | |2018 |54 | Neue Konzepte der kontrollier... solutions for the private household sector in Germany by 2050| |2012 |46 |Nachhaltige Energieversorgung... ses |Energy relevant potentials of biomass in Germany| |2007 |36 |Heizung mit Biobrennstoffen für Passi
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2015 to 2018
- Grant, Nick; Grylls, Charles |Passivhaus for the many not the few |231 | |2018 |22 |Session IV |Jedli... |Krick, Benjamin |Opportunities presented by Germany's energy transition for buildings supplied with e... 17 |21 |Session VIII |Ottinger, Oliver; Feng, Tianyuan; Rupps, Waldemar; Schulz, Tanja; Grove-Smith, ... ise |445 | |2017 |21 |Session X |Coughlin, Brittany; Love, Christy; Lepage, Robert |Passive House in
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2011 to 2014
- n, Janka |The first Passive House hospital in Germany – a challenge that the City of Frankfurt is pleas... |International cooperation between Korea and Germany continues: a new seminar and youth center in Goes... n Passive House between planners in Korea and Germany |393 | |2011 |15 |Passive Houses all over the wor... Feist, Wolfgang |Passive Houses – one principle, many regional solutions |571 | |2011 |15 |Poster |Wimm
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2019 to 2023
- Li, Jiandong| |Analysis and discussion on the Germany PHI certification test of energy recovery ventila... of the Förderschule Max Ernst in Euskirchen, Germany)| | |2020 |24|Session10|Munro, Cameron| |Resilie... works" realizes the first serial RetroPHit in Germany| | |2020 |24|Session02|Öttl, Silvia| |Innovative... Jürgen| |Passive House and sector coupling in Germany| | |2020 |24|Session12|Schulz, Tanja| |Planning