Fulltext results:
- Zero-energy and zero heating energy houses
- h: cost-efficient highly insulated houses without any heating systems, called Passive Houses, constitut... ally unjustifiable: it is not possible to recover any further investments any more because the Passive House already dispenses with the need for a separate ... on of LEDs, this option becomes less relevant. In any case, the use highly efficient electrical appliac
- Greenhouse effect and climate protection
- be proven using equipment, which is available at any highschool physics laboratory. This is a short vi... mally). The other alternative is possible without any active addition of energy in an ideal situation w... only necessary to use established components for any modernisation of building elements in existing ho... polluting vehicles for which one cannot even find any parking spaces? It won't be possible to sell this
- Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard
- investigate this. - If statements are found in any literature that appear to contradict the findings
- Primary energy – quantifying sustainability
- Passive House in Darmstadt-Kranichstein, without any impairment in comfort. Due to insulation of the w
- Primary Energy Renewable PER
- s hot water, the complete electricity demand, and any auxiliary electricity to provide the energy servi
- Renewable sources of energy
- in a Passive House the user can afford it without any problem. Therefore the use of renewable energy wi