Fulltext results:
- University programmes
- PP trainings, Passive House lectures or the [[education_training:certified_passive_house_designer|Cert... ourse, please contact the Passive House Institute at mail@passiv.de. ===== Austria ===== [[https://cms.passivehouse.com/en/training/data/designers/courseproviders/17/ |Donau-Universität... 3500 Krems, Austria [[https://www.donau-uni.ac.at/en/studium/futurebuildingsolutions/index.php|Danu
- Danube University Krems, Austria - Postgraduate University Program “Future Building Solutions, MSc” @education_training:university_programmes
- ===== Danube University Krems, Austria - Postgraduate University Program “Future Building Solutions, MSc” ====== [[http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/dbu/fbs|{{:picopen:logo_duk.jpg?130}}]] ===== Become an Expert in Green Building Design - International Master's Program for Professionals in Sustai... able and Energy Efficient Design ===== The International Master's Program “Future Building Solutions”
- Erfurt University of Applied Sciences – Faculty of Architecture @education_training:university_programmes
- \\ **PASSIVHAUS+**\\ Excellent career prospects at the national and international level for graduates of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfu
- Certified Passive House Designer
- [https://cms.passivehouse.com/en/training/certificates/designer-consultant/|Consultant]] [[https://cms.passivehouse.com/de/training/data/designers/search/|Search for Passive House Desig
- Passive House Basics
- ====== Passive House Basics ====== In collaboration with local universities the [[http://passiv.de/... e Institute]] and [[http://www.passivehouse-international.org/index.php|iPHA]] offered an introductory... Passive House seminar as a precursor to the International Passive House Conferences. Entitled Passive ... use knowledge. Passive House essentials such as heating and cooling, airtightness and thermal bridge f
- Accredited Building Certifier
- [https://cms.passivehouse.com/en/training/certificates/building-certifier/|Become an accredited Passiv... ertifier]] [[https://passivehouse.com/03_certification/02_certification_buildings/03_certifiers/01_accredited/01_accredited.html|List of accredited build
- Certified Passive House Tradesperson
- } [[http://www.passivehouse-trades.org/|"Information about Certified Passive House Tradesperson"]] [[https://cms.passivehouse.com/en/training/data/tradespersons/search/|Search for Certified Trade
- Train the Trainer
- ecommend our Train the Trainer course. More information [[https://cms.passivehouse.com/en/training/certificates/trainer/|here]].
- Customized training
- using projects" and "Passive House in various climate zones". For offers from the Passive House Institute or iPHA, please contact info@passivehouse-international.org.