Fulltext results:
- Baseline study - implementing the Passive House concept in hospitals
- Affairs, Energy, Transport, and Housingfor the State of Hesse. **The full study can be downloaded [[https://database.passivehouse.com/de/download/product_page/PH... as developed in the German context and then translated into English. Therefore, the translation may not take into account international or country-specifi
- Aspects of efficient ventilation in hospitals
- ====== Aspects of efficient ventilation in hospitals ====== ===== Identifying energy-conservation potential ===== The [[planning:non-residentia... ouse concept in hospitals]] studied energy-conservation potential in the planning stage [[planning:non... buildings:ph_hospitals:aspects_of_efficient_ventilation_in_hospitals#references|[Kah et al 2013]]]. Th
- Passive House Hospitals
- the Passive House concept in hospitals** \\ Evaluations of consumption statistics show that hospitals are among the buildings that consume the most energy. To evaluate and tap the conservation