Fulltext results:
- Insulation vs. thermal mass
- ====== Insulation vs. thermal mass ====== In some publications, including various articles on the internet, emphasi... thermal storage capacity of buildings, claiming that improving the thermal insulation of external walls is pointless or even damaging. Allegedly, the effe
- Insulation works – Evidence no.1 "Measurements at a highly insulated wall"
- ====== Insulation works – Evidence no.1 "Measurements at a highly insulated wall" ====== ===== Long-term measurements at exterior walls of highly insulated new buildings ====
- Outdoor thermography
- oor thermographies provide independent evidence that insulating buildings allows for considerable energy savings and increases the level of comfort.\\ \\ ===== Infrared thermography with insulation / without insulation ===== The infrared imaging technique or [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therm
- Energy use for heating in a well insulated new building
- ====== Energy use for heating in a well insulated new building ====== Here is further evidence that insulating buildings allows for significant energy savings. This example is independent of the [plann
- Comparison of in-situ measurements and hygrothermal simulations of four different interior insulation systems @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works:comparison_of_in_situ_measurements_and_hygrothermal_simulations_of_four_different_interior_insulation_systems
- son of in-situ measurements and hygrothermal simulations of four different interior insulation systems ====== ===== Introduction ===== Old buildings often do not have any insulation on the exterior wall going along with low, uncomfortable surface temperatures and high heating demands. In order to produce
- Thermal protection in retrofits
- rotection in retrofits ====== It can be proved that insulation of buildings leads to significant energy savings and also protects the building substance ... fort in the home is also improved by thermal insulation.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:nuernberg_altbau_vorher.jpg... and.jpg?415 }}| |//** An old building before renovation:\\ Location: 4 Jean-Paul-Platz, WBG Nürnberg