Fulltext results:
- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached @certification:passive_house_categories
- se classes and how they can be reached" presented at the 19th International Passive House Conference 2... s transitioning from fossil sources to renewables at an encouragingly rapid pace. The conventional pri... roduce about as much energy as residents consume, at least in an – admittedly somewhat misleading – annual net-zero energy balance. * In a **Passive Ho
- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation @certification:passive_house_categories
- per "The PER sustainability assessment" presented at the 19th International Passive House Conference 2... enewable) were first introduced by Wolfgang Feist at the 18th International Passive House Conference, ... sed to derive PER factors is based on the ideas that have previously been published in [Feist 2013] an... plied in order to cover the final energy consumed at the building, including all losses incurred along
- Certification of buildings in which the ground floor is used for commercial purposes (for PHPP 9, revised 5-Sep-2016)
- rgy balance. A very common type of building is that with standard, homogeneous utilisation of the upp... ercial purposes. For all variants it is assumed that the upper floors are of Passive House/EnerPHit qu... the stairwell area etc. the boundary can also be at the ceiling level even if an air space exists her... ground floor, with general values for internal heat gains (3.5 W/m²), air change rate (0.4- fold) and
- EnerPHit – the Passive House Certificate for retrofits
- ent_solutionsupply_and_exhaust_air_systems_with_heat_recovery|ventilation with highly efficient heat recovery]] (again, Passive-House-suitable systems are very recommendable) * efficient heat generation * use of renewable energy sources These are exactly the same measures that have proved to be successful in new constructions
- Building Certification
- ing can be translated into a functioning building at the construction site: Airtightness, thermal brid... uilding_certifier|accredited Building Certifier]] at an early stage of planning. At this stage, problems identified by the certifier can still be easily r... ion of the components is required. This ensures that the designed building can really produce the resu
- Addendum concerning the use of vacuum insulation
- ls for buildings. Their relative slimness means that low U-values can be reached, even with very narro... s, the Passive House Institute (PHI) recommends that this technology be used in a controlled manner, a... eed by the notified body or testing institute for at least 50 years. * The rated/design thermal cond... r the installation of services by sub-contractors at a later date by way of suitable gaskets, moldings
- The Passive House Classes: Classic, Plus and Premium
- The intention of these approaches is to generate at least as much energy as is being consumed over th... newable generation is measured against the area that the building occupies and that is therefore longer available for other uses: the “Projected building ... is a bungalow or an office tower, it is ensured that the energy input needed for health and comfort is
- Certified Passive House Components
- The specific values of the respective products that are relevant for the energy balance, as well as t... r example). The specific values are defined so that they really are characteristic of the component b... ing the integration into the object as a whole, that have to be complied with, should also be given; f... thermal bridge free connection details, glazing that allows solar gains, compact heat pump units… For
- Criteria for buildings in other languages @certification:certified_passive_houses
- on of the Passive House concept but please note that they are for** information purposes only and not
- Building Criteria: Overview of Changes
- alyses, the criteria were adapted in such a way that they can now be applied without any restrictions ... those for a Passive House. This Standard is aimed at buildings with difficult basic prerequisites such
- Certification of terraced houses and semi-detached/duplex houses according to Passive House Institute criteria
- cludes semi-detached/duplex houses, i.e. houses that have two units side by side): - The criteria a... nd-of-terrace houses) can have an energy demand that is slightly higher than the requirements. A colle... e. **Method 2** makes sense if it is important that each terraced house complies with the criteria in... owner-occupied) apartment in an apartment block that has been certified as a Passive House building. H
- Certification of Passive House office buildings @certification:certified_passive_houses
- form as a Passive House under all circumstances that can reasonably be assumed within this time span. ... lly leads to higher internal gains, which means that the 15 kWh/(m²a) Passive House criteria is in the... he expected internal gains. Additional measures that might need to be taken to reach the Passive House... equipment, external shading etc. and any excess heat during summer can only be effectively removed fro