Fulltext results:
- Insulation vs. thermal mass
- thermal storage capacity of buildings, claiming that improving the thermal insulation of external wall... the thermal storage capacity of a wall and the heat gains from solar radiation are insufficiently, or not at all, taken into account by scientists. The auth... the scientific community of applying laws (e.g. heat conductivity or the second law of thermodynamics)
- Insulation works – Evidence no.1 "Measurements at a highly insulated wall"
- == Insulation works – Evidence no.1 "Measurements at a highly insulated wall" ====== ===== Long-term measurements at exterior walls of highly insulated new buildings ... on _works.png?600 }}| |//** Temperatures measured at a highly insulated wall.\\ The entire section of the brick wall stays warm even at low outside temperatures\\ since it is protected
- Outdoor thermography
- oor thermographies provide independent evidence that insulating buildings allows for considerable ener... s widely used these days. The infrared range is that part of the invisible light spectrum which is adj... ilar to photographs – the only difference being that they depict heat rays instead of visible light.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:thermal_imaging_camera_inside.jpg |
- Energy use for heating in a well insulated new building
- d new building ====== Here is further evidence that insulating buildings allows for significant energ... rks:insulation_works_-_evidence_no.1_measurements_at_a_highly_insulated_wall| measurements at a highly insulated wall]]and it is based on the energy consu... asurements ===== The following image shows the heat consumption data recorded in a highly insulated b
- Thermal protection in retrofits
- rotection in retrofits ====== It can be proved that insulation of buildings leads to significant ener... \ exterior surfaces, including new windows and heat recovery.\\ Planned by [[http://www.schulze-daru... due to moisture build-up ===== Research shows that increasing the insulation thickness of an externa... rt_eng.png?450 }}| |//** Old building - situation at the facade without insulation **//|//**Refurbishe
- Comparison of in-situ measurements and hygrothermal simulations of four different interior insulation systems @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works:comparison_of_in_situ_measurements_and_hygrothermal_simulations_of_four_different_interior_insulation_systems
- ecially in these cases the decreased temperatures at the beam heads outside the insulation plane can c... ion systems, temperatures and relative humidities at different positions within the construction were ... reproduced with a deviation of less than ~5 % RH at the end of the considered period. With some varia... ably by the ventilation unit not working properly at that time. After the change of the filter a steep