Fulltext results:
- The world’s first Passive House, Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- ard for new buildings in Sweden and Denmark. Even at that time, the further development of the princip... May 1988** by the author during a research period at the University of Lund/Sweden, together with the ... ring American architects, during an evening event at the 2nd International Passive House Conference in... a minimal heating of incoming fresh air((We show at another place that this is possible if the maxial
- Multi-family Passive House buildings in Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- pg?400 }}|{{ :picopen: PH_Pinnasberg.jpg?403 }}| |At the [[phi_publications:international_passive_hous... g Energy Office]].\\ The report can be downloaded at ([[http://www.passiv.de/04_pub/Literatur/Pinnasbe... Passive Houses with those of 24 low-energy houses at the same site, carried\\ out by the Institute for... 997.\\ Initial measurement results were presented at the [[phi_publications:international_passive_hous
- Single-family Passive House buildings in Germany and Austria @examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses:central_europe
- ed and built by Carsten Grobe. It was presented\\ at the 5th Passive House Conference. Besides residen... tial\\ Passive House buildings which he presented at the\\ 10th International Passive House Conference... ve Houses in Timber Construction” was\\ presented at the 2nd International Passive House Conference in... he title of a\\ presentation given by Günter Lang at the 8th International Passive\\ House Conference
- The Nestwerk Residential Project in Dresden @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- nmentally compatible way and create a neighbourly atmosphere. The building plot was found on the sunny... can be adjusted, and opening the bedroom windows at night doesn’t automatically cool down the entire ... )| 185,200 | 124,800 | |Actual cash value at beginning (€)| 170,857 | 124,800 | |**Cap
- Neuwerk Caritas-Haus, Germany - the world’s first Passive House nursing home for the elderly @examples:residential_buildings:nursing_homes:central_europe
- dependence, self-reliance, closeness and a homely atmosphere.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:caritas_haus_neuwerk_f... the group.\\ \\ Two or three of these care groups at a time are directly connected to a nursing area c