Fulltext results:
- Energy efficiency of the Passive House Standard: Expectations confirmed by measurements in practice @operation:operation_and_experience:measurement_results
- nsumption in 1997 in the low-energy settlement is at least **41.5 % less than today's average consumpt... avings compared to the low energy standard,** and at least\\ **(88% ± 1%) in savings compared to the a... ergetically optimised refurbishment, particularly at the building foundation, and also because other d... ally constructed non-refurbished building located at a distance of 300 m at the same time resulted in
- User behaviour
- se Institute have openable windows. Each room has at least one such window where possible; a turn-and-... ay and **a high level of air exchange is possible at night**. This is most easily done by opening the... early June – year round ===== In Central Europe at the beginning of June, with typical June weather,... hen it becomes too cold, the windows are closed. At the beginning of June in Central Europe almost al
- User experiences
- (Passive House Institute)]].\\ \\ \\ \\ |//« **" At last I have warm feet. Nothing can get me out of... ssive House: **"We mostly start using the heating at the end of November and stop using it in the midd... The pupils and also the teachers feel completely at ease in the new building. I think I can claim th... s how many pupils are coming into which classroom at what time. In winter the system is designed to p