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- Special features and characteristics of components in contact with the ground
- lding is determined by the temperature difference between the inside space and the outside. In the cas... e depends on the structure of the ground surface. Because the condition of the surfaces bordering the ... the project planning, the surface temperature can be equated with the outdoor air temperature in practice. The heat transfer resistance between the ground surface and the outdoor air is di
- Recommended procedure for calculating thermal bridges of components in contact with the ground
- r hand, this requires that thermal bridges should be determined in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10211. T... t of edge insulation or skirt insulation can also be depicted directly by the $\varPsi$-values in this... o DIN EN ISO 10211 (Option B) ===== {{ :picopen:wberdeprinzip.png?700 |}} In contrast to regular the... of the components in contact with the ground must be determined through an additional heat flow simula