Fulltext results:
- List of Passive House Conference contributions since 1996
- 17 |Vorwort |Feist, Wolfgang |Vorwort des Herausgebers |5 |Foreword | Foreword from the editor |5 | ... 2013 |17 |Plenum |Junker, Frank |Erfahrungen aus über 1.600 Passivhaus-Wohnungen |61 |Plenary Session ... uptstadt Frankfurt, Poster |Buth, Barbara; Krick, Benjamin |Behördenzentrum Heppenheim. Bundesweit erstes Passivhaus-Verwaltungsgebäude im ÖPP-Verfahren |
- List of articles from the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses
- hem available in the form of Passipedia articles. Below, your will find a list of all Research Group p... chtwohngebäude |Dr. Jürgen Schnieders|Einleitung: Bedeutung des Sommerkomforts |Building concepts for ... merlichen Temperaturverhältnissen und thermischer Belastung in Städten |Building concepts for hot summ... - Schwerpunkt Nichtwohngebäude |Esther Gollwitzer|Bewährte passive Maßnahmen: Sonnenschutz |Building c
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2011 to 2014
- Jacques |Energy concept and sustainable design in Belgium's German community |93 | |2014 |18 |Sessi... elegant! |105 | |2014 |18 |Session II |Martin, Bernhard |A new ventilation concept for small dwelli... tection in PH ventilation systems]] {{:picopen:members_only.png?nolink&20|}}|121 | |2014 |18 |Sessi... | |2014 |18 |Session II Poster |Sibille, Elisabeth; Pfluger, Rainer; Gritzer, Florian; Happach, Ad
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2015 to 2018
- bauverwaltung |85 | |2018 |22 |Session I |Hochhuber, Josef |The Bavarian 10,000 Houses Programme - p... ion III |Byrne, Deborah; Arifuzzaman, Andrew |750 Bed University Student Residence; Driving Change for... ponents |255 | |2018 |22 |Session V |Spiß, Engelbert |Showcase project: the first 5-euro residential... ,000 euros/m² |273 | |2018 |22 |Session VI |Schöberl, Helmut; Kronberger, Andreas |Passive House ref
- PB 41: Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings @phi_publications:pb_41
- Darmstadt ===== 1 Introduction ===== The summer behaviour of non-residential buildings often plays an important role when planning these, because the boundary conditions that are relevant fo... reater technologisation, these internal loads may be considerably higher than those in residential bui... nd how high the output of the cooling system must be, are therefore particularly relevant when plannin
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2019 to 2023
- * | ^ ^^ ^^ | |2023|26|session 03|Arena Lois, Ginsberg Mark,|Fully Occupied Multifamily PH Buildings: ... est Developments in designPH| |2023|26|session 04|Beattie Ron|Applying the Passivhaus Plus Standard to... omes Built Offsite Using MMC| |2023|26|session 13|Behem Guillaume|Heat pumps in partially refurbished ... towards the energy transition?| |2023|26|Plenary|Bere Justin|Is Passive House key to unlocking a deca
- iPHA Passive House Fact Sheet @phi_publications:2021_vol.2_indoor_air_quality
- * \\ Download the fact sheet by clicking the link below:\\ **{{:picopen:21_fact_outphit_sheet_indoor_