Fulltext results:
- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached
- emium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached ====== // This article is an based on th... m: The new Passive House classes and how they can be reached" presented at the 19th International Pass... ce 2015 in Leipzig. The original article is availabe in the conference proceedings [Krick 2015].// =... lding with final energy – therefore also needs to be taken into account. This is where the Passive Hou
- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation
- ce 2015 in Leipzig. The original article is availabe in the conference proceedings [Grove-Smith/Feist ... various sources, the resulting PER factors describe how much more renewable energy must be supplied in order to cover the final energy consumed at the bu... a surplus of 50% renewable primary energy has to be generated in order to be able to meet the final e