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- Exterior wall on floor slab
- Before preparing the calculation model, it should be checked which building component layers are relevant for the calculations and which can be disregarded. Thus for example, blinding layers can be disregarded which do not have any significant ins... r due to their water permeability. It should also be considered whether poorer rated values apply for
- Unheated basement
- d interior space and the outdoor air which has to be taken into account. {{ :picopen:unbeheizter_kell... ment and the interior space, another Ψ-value must be calculated for the energy balance. Several method... ed basement, the overall value $L_{2d}$ must also be calculated as it is for the floor slab and the he... e basement is unknown, therefore $L_{2d}$ cannot be calculated directly, but with the use of $L_{ue}$
- Heated basement
- nnections ($\Psi_{upper}$ und $\Psi_{lower}$) can be examined separately for the criterion relating to... rmal transmittance is given below. Here it should be mentioned that in the Ground worksheet of the [[p... round. In this way, Option A or Option B can also be applied for heated basements. In the context of c... construction system however, Option B should also be applied here for determining the Ψ-values. {{ :p
- Interior walls on floor slabs
- hout the influence of the ground. The result will be strongly on the safe side because the "insulating... the interior wall is known. The Ψ-value can then be calculated based on the same method as in the [[b... quires a three-dimensional calculation which will be too time-consuming in most cases. As a two-dim... interior wall from the floor slab edge assumed to be 1.5 metres. This procedure is demonstrated below