Fulltext results:
- Types of ventilation @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- air quality is especially essential and can only be achieved if "used" air is regularly replaced by f... days, the heat losses\\ during strong winds will be intolerably high. Gap ventilation is\\ therefore ... ventilation is insufficient, the air quality will be poor and there will be a risk of condensation occurring. * If too much ventilation takes place, th
- Air volumes @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- eas and new technologies, much better results can be achieved, but improved systems haven’t yet become... ar characteristics of the ducting network have to be determined by dimensioning the duct cross-section... continuous operation). * The device must still be able to transport the air flows necessary for pur... tion mode are relatively short), and it must also be possible to achieve the minimum output of 0.3 1/h
- Passive House - 6 reasons why you still need opening windows
- ot! There are multiple reasons why there needs to be at least one opening window in each room typicall... out for really cold (or hot) periods and may not be too high to keep the air from getting too dry (or... letely different type of ventilation system would be needed to allow for significantly higher air change rates. Such systems would be more expensive and less efficient; of course, in
- Differentiation between Vv and Vn50 values
- tilation system | Value of air volume that will be heated or cooled for calculating the n<sub>50</su... ial buildings, a standard height of 2.50 m should be considered, regardless of the actual height. | Ex... indoor humidity level during the winter that may be too low. For non-residential buildings, the mean value of all room heights should be entered here. The air volume V<sub>v</sub> is c
- Comparison of energy performance of ventilation systems using passive vs. active heat recovery
- st-heating, which, pessimistically, is assumed to be direct electric. For the active system, only that... . The resulting total electricity demands can now be compared. ===== Investigated systems ===== Thre... d DIN 18599-6:2016** ===== Results ===== As can be seen from Figure 1 and Figure 2, a heat pump used... heating demand and peak heating load that need to be covered by the heating system. The properties of
- The ventilation system – there is no alternative
- in the present case, the Pettenkofer value would be exceeded within the first hour, and by the end of... met, the most sensible and economical option will be to fulfil all the remaining Passive House criteri