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- Planning criteria for Passive Houses in New Zealand
- assive House concept is a highly energy efficient building standard. Passive Houses consume very little ener... ire year. This is achieved with a vastly improved building envelope with reduced transmission losses and opt... erefore become dispensable. From experience, such buildings have a heating demand of about 15 kWh/(m²a) in c... ential (e.g. schools, sports halls, offices etc.) buildings have already been successfully built to the Pass
- Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates
- ====== Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates ====== |{{:picopen:map_ph_different_cli... eneral rule governing the design of Passive House buildings in all climates around the globe.| \\ \\ \\ ===== Passive House buildings: a method rather than a building style ===== In Central European Climate there is a lot of practical expe
- Passive Houses in hot, humid climates
- it can be helpful in the winter. \\ \\ **Dynamic building simulations for Reference Passive Houses:** \\ [... :picopen:members_only.png?20|}} about the dynamic building simulation for a Reference Passive House in the location Dubai\\ \\ **Hygrothermal analysis of building components:** \\ [[basics:passive_houses_in_dif... only.png?20|}} about the hygrothermal analysis of building components for the location Dubai\\ \\ //The au