Fulltext results:
- List of Passive House Conference contributions since 1996 @phi_publications
- ital Frankfurt |Energy retrofit of a Wilhelminian building with Passive House components |85 | |2013 |17 |P... icolas; Mege, Jean Denis; Meyer-Hoffmann, Henrik |Building Together (Build Tog) - Europaweite Adaption eines Mehrfamilienhaustyps |105 |Global cooperation |Building Together (Build-Tog) - Europe-wide adaption of an apartment building design |97 | |2013 |17 |Weltweite Zusammenarbei
- List of articles from the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses @phi_publications
- nieders|Einleitung: Bedeutung des Sommerkomforts |Building concepts for hot summers - Focus on non-residenti... rhältnissen und thermischer Belastung in Städten |Building concepts for hot summers - Focus on non-residenti... Hintergrund der sich abzeichnenden Klimaänderung |Building concepts for hot summers - Focus on non-residenti... lwitzer|Bewährte passive Maßnahmen: Sonnenschutz |Building concepts for hot summers - Focus on non-residenti
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2011 to 2014 @phi_publications
- Greeting |Bottermann, Heinrich |Passive House – a building standard on the path to the energy transition |57... as-Kopeinig, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer |[[planning:building_services:ventilation:cascade_ventilation:start|]]... 14 |18 |Session II |Pfluger, Rainer |[[planning:building_services:ventilation:heatpipes_for_frost_protecti... ion III |Paticas, Harry; Clarke, Alan |Monitoring building fabric moisture in historic house retrofitted wit
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2019 to 2023 @phi_publications
- ssive House in Toronto: Driving System Change and Building Capacity| |2023|26|session 08|Arnautu Dragos, Edw... Passive House Retrofitting of a Historical Stone Building in Ireland| |2023|26|session 15|Boleda Arizcun Gu... s| |2023|26|session 12|Corridori Sara|Residential Building Retrofit towards Passive-House Standards: Best Pr... of Split Units and Renewable Sources in EnerPHit Building| |2023|26|Plenary|De Selincourt Kate|The Potentia
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2015 to 2018 @phi_publications
- tional optimisation of a new Passive House school building |103 | |2018 |22 |Session I |Klaffke, Julius |S... |129 | |2018 |22 |Session II |Kluth, Solitair |Building materials in the spotlight - economics, ecology a... nt Residence; Driving Change for High Performance Building in North America |167 | |2018 |22 |Session III ... | |2018 |22 |Session IV |Tzanev, Dragomir |The Building Knowledge Hubs Network: Successful Implementation
- Airtightness and airtightness measurement @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components:thermal_envelope
- ====== ===== Basic and airtightness in existing building===== ===== Airtightness – how and why? ===== T... of air flowing in through joints and gaps in the building envelope. A large percentage of building damage is caused by leaks in the building envelope. Sound insulation is reduced, drafts cause discomfort fo
- Energy efficiency of the Passive House Standard: Expectations confirmed by measurements in practice @operation:operation_and_experience:measurement_results
- t can be judged from these results. \\ With all building standards there are significant differences in co... veraged out, thereby enabling a comparison of the building quality. __//Fig. 1//__ provides an overview of m... avings (41.5% ± 1.8%)** compared with the current building stock.\\ \\ \\ \\ =====1.1. Passive House settle... ?300 |}} In 2002, the multi-family Passive House building "Wohnen bei St. Jakob" was built in Frankfurt a.M
- Passive House and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Connecting an international building standard with global aims @basics
- lopment Goals (SDGs): Connecting an international building standard with global aims====== Author: Giorgia ... efficient, resilient, and healthy environment for building users. * Economic and job creation: Boosting th... providing job opportunities across a spectrum of building professionals, ranging from manufacturing and con... s, through high energy efficiency. * Education: Building capacity and spreading knowledge, both locally an
- Economic feasibility of Passive House design @basics:affordability
- he idea behind the conception of energy efficient building design is to reduce energy consumption costs (and... nses e.g. for maintenance) during lifetime of the building significantly. But to get the savings, some extra... ment cost which are probably needed to get better building components to form the energy efficient building envelope: * more and better thermal insulation layer
- Building Certification @certification
- ====== Building Certification ====== Building **certification provides quality assurance** and brings many **[[https://pas... ted planning can be translated into a functioning building at the construction site: Airtightness, thermal b... ws and installation, ventilation system and other building services must be designed in a targeted manner an
- Thermal insulation @planning:thermal_protection
- gs in climates with a heating demand the entire **building envelope** has to be well insulated. The building envelope consists of all the building elements which separate the inside from the outside. Its main purpose... winter cold climates) the temperature inside the building envelope is usually higher than it is outside. As
- Dynamic simulation of a building's thermal performance @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency
- ====== Dynamic simulation of a building's thermal performance ====== ==== Dynamic Simulation using DYNBIL =... t 1994]| \\ Dynbil is a multizone dynamic thermal building simulation program developed at the Passive House... nd ventilation models. Although DYNBIL models the building components very accurately (see e.g. comparison o... eratures within the wall), the focus is the whole building perspective (fig. 2). The entire building define
- Passive House Institute publications
- ::: |Volume 2|[[:phi_publications:2015_vol.2_phi_building_criteria:new_with_release_of_phpp9|PHI Building Criteria: New with release of PHPP9]] (read also in {{:picp... l.4.2_evaluation_of_energy_generated_on_or_near_a_building_using_the_per_system|Evaluation of energy generated on or near a building using the PER system]] (read also in {{:picprivat
- Definition and effects of thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges
- \ A **thermal bridge** is a localised area of the building envelope where the heat flow is different (usuall... rst case this can lead to moisture penetration in building components and mould growth. * **Altered**, ... enter round box 60%> If the criteria for [[basics:building_physics_-_basics:what_defines_thermal_bridge_free... alculating the heat energy balance.\\ \\ [[basics:building_physics_-_basics:what_defines_thermal_bridge_free
- Passipedia A-Z
- Z ====== ===== A ===== * [[education_training:building_certifier|]] * [[basics:affordability|Affordabi... nstruction|Airtight construction]] * [[planning:building_services:ventilation:basics:types_of_ventilation|Air quality]] * [[planning:building_services:ventilation:basics:air_volumes|Air volum... Affiliates]] \\ \\ ===== B ===== * [[planning:building_services:heating_and_dhw:heating:biomass_heating_
- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached @certification:passive_house_categories
- The world’s first Passive House, Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- Overall retrofit plan for step-by-step retrofits to EnerPHit Standard @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- The promotion of low energy construction and the Passive House Standard: Successful strategies for forming a Passive House Association @experiences:connecting_the_passive_house_community
- Step-by-step Retrofits towards EnerPHit Standard in social housing in Spain @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Playing on the Passive House hill - the new kindergarten in the Heidenau city park @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_kindergartens:central_europe
- St. Josef Caritas-Haus, Germany - the first prefabricated large module Passive House nursing home @examples:residential_buildings:nursing_homes:central_europe
- Special features and characteristics of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- Passive House schools – How to go about it @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools
- Baseline study - implementing the Passive House concept in hospitals @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph_hospitals
- The Nestwerk Residential Project in Dresden @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- Renewable primary energy demand in residential buildings with high energy intensity @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply
- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation @certification:passive_house_categories
- Certification of buildings in which the ground floor is used for commercial purposes (for PHPP 9, revised 5-Sep-2016) @certification
- Component Award 2016: Affordable ventilation solutions for retrofits @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Step-by-step deep retrofit and building integrated façade/roof on a 'million program' house @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Passive House Schools - Boundary Conditions @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools
- Certification of terraced houses and semi-detached/duplex houses according to Passive House Institute criteria @certification
- Efficiency of household appliances and their impact on the primary energy demand of residential buildings @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply
- Danube University Krems, Austria - Postgraduate University Program “Future Building Solutions, MSc” @education_training:university_programmes
- Passive House – the next decade | Determining application-specific PER factors @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply:passive_house_the_next_decade
- PHPP - validated and proven in practice @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- Insulation works – Evidence no.1 "Measurements at a highly insulated wall" @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- Erfurt University of Applied Sciences – Faculty of Architecture @education_training:university_programmes
- Neuwerk Caritas-Haus, Germany - the world’s first Passive House nursing home for the elderly @examples:residential_buildings:nursing_homes:central_europe
- “Am Buir”, Wassenberg, Germany – the world’s smallest Passive House @examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses:central_europe
- Refurbishment with Passive House components - introduction @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Economy and financing of efficiency: new buildings, renovation and step by step retrofit @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- Factors that influence the energy balance and affordability of non-residential EnerPHit projects @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency:economic_feasibility_of_passive_house_retrofits
- Basic principle for calculating thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation
- Playing in a Passive House - A timber/mudbrick building for children @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_kindergartens:central_europe
- Secondary School in Baesweiler, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe
- Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard @basics:energy_and_ecology
- Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in Step by Step Retrofitting Projects @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Improving thermal bridges and airtightness in existing buildings @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components:thermal_envelope
- Insulation measures for the external envelope @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components:thermal_envelope
- Energy use for heating in a well insulated new building @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- Examples of thermal bridge calculations @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation
- Philips Experimental House Research 1974ff: Passive versus Active Measures in Europe & America @basics:the_passive_house_-_historical_review
- Prospects for the modernisation of existing buildings using highly efficient components @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Riedberg Passive House School, Frankfurt, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools
- Passive House - 6 reasons why you still need opening windows @planning:building_services:ventilation
- Internal heat gains in relation to living area @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- The overall heat transfer coefficient or U-value @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- Riedberg Passive House School, Frankfurt, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_schools:central_europe
- Exterior wall on floor slab @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- Interior walls on floor slabs @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples
- Sound generation, sound dispersion and sound proofing in heat pumps @planning:building_services:heating_and_dhw:heating:heat_pumps
- Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates @basics:passive_houses_in_different_climates
- Economic analysis for the retrofit of a detached single family house to the EnerPHit standard @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Checklist for Design: Ventilation System in a residential Passive House Building @planning:building_services:ventilation
- Comparison of energy performance of ventilation systems using passive vs. active heat recovery @planning:building_services:ventilation
- “designPH” plugin for Trimble Sketchup @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- Variant calculations and economic assessment with PHPP 9 @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- Influence of retrofitting on daylighting @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components:mechanical_systems
- Software for calculating thermal bridges @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation
- Comparison of in-situ measurements and hygrothermal simulations of four different interior insulation systems @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works:comparison_of_in_situ_measurements_and_hygrothermal_simulations_of_four_different_interior_insulation_systems
- Electric Energy Efficiency for Households – Doing the whole step towards energy efficiency @sinfonia
- Checklist: Test reports of airtightness measurements @planning:airtight_construction:general_principles
- Multi-family Passive House buildings in Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- Experience with drain water heat recovery @planning:building_services:heating_and_dhw:experience_with_drain_water_heat_recovery
- Passive House – the next decade | Methodology @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply:passive_house_the_next_decade
- PHPP calculations in hot and humid climates @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- Floor Replacement: Svartbäcksvägen @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components:thermal_envelope
- The Hanssen-Höppener Passive House @examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses:central_europe
- PHI window certification: previous success and new climate zones @planning:thermal_protection:windows:window_certification
- Evaluation of server and server room efficiency for non-residential buildings that exceed the primary energy criterion @certification
- Inhabitants report about living in a Passive House in the hot climate of Granada, Spain @experiences
- Calculation guide for temperature reduction factors to temperature zone "X" in the PHPP "Areas" worksheet @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- Energy efficiency in cafeterias and commercial kitchens @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:cafeterias_and_commercial_kitchens
- Ventilation in commercial kitchens @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:cafeterias_and_commercial_kitchens
- Aspects of efficient ventilation in hospitals @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph_hospitals
- Lengdorf nursery school, Germany @examples:non-residential_buildings:passive_house_kindergartens:central_europe