Fulltext results:
- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached
- Anyone who has built or lives in a Passive House building already has this part of the energy transition ta... therefore a goal for the particularly ambitious: building owners and designers who want to go beyond what e... r household electricity is usually much higher. A building’s total energy demand – including the energy needed to provide the building with final energy – therefore also needs to be ta
- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation
- n order to cover the final energy consumed at the building, including all losses incurred along the way. For... to be able to meet the final energy demand at the building. PER-factor = Δ(Energy supply from renewable sources) / Δ(Final energy demand at the building) The PER factor is determined by the simultanei... from the RE supply to the energy consumed at the building, including facilities for short-term and seasonal