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- Thermal protection in retrofits
- significant energy savings and also protects the building substance - not only in new constructions but als... copen:passivhaus_bestand.jpg?415 }}| |//** An old building before renovation:\\ Location: 4 Jean-Paul-Platz, WBG Nürnberg **\\ \\ \\ //|//** Renovated building - with Passive House components:\\ The modernisa... hwinden_ph_modernisiert_eng.png?450 }}| |//** Old building - situation at the facade without insulation **//
- Insulation vs. thermal mass
- * What happens, when the heating system of an old building breaks down in winter? The author himself experie... on correctly describes the thermal processes in a building component, it is as certain as the knowledge that... 0.5 %). * The heat capacity of the interior building components facing towards the interior has a perc... in conclusions are asfollows: * For external building components, it is the insulation that is effectiv
- Insulation works – Evidence no.1 "Measurements at a highly insulated wall"
- calculated according to the customary methods of building physics.\\ The diagram contains many interesting ... 5 resulting from a simple U-value calculation: In building physics, the “insulating effect“ is defined as the thermal resistance of a building component resulting from its thickness divided by... expectation raised by the calculation methods of building physics: Among its many advantages it saves a gre
- Outdoor thermography
- application of exterior insulation to a Nuremberg building. The modernisation was planned and carried out by... lated facade. An ordinary photograph of the same building has been added for comparison purposes.\\ \\ |{{ ... cember 2002 at 7:52. Background: a uninsulated \\ building, partly hidden by trees.**//|//**Ordinary photogr... 5 degrees Celsius. The uninsulated wall of an old building is shown on the left side in the background of th
- Energy use for heating in a well insulated new building
- == Energy use for heating in a well insulated new building ====== Here is further evidence that insulating ... t consumption data recorded in a highly insulated building, the first Passive House in Darmstadt-Kranichstei... he generally accepted calculation methods used in building physics. The following diagram shows a comparison... note that heat gains from heat sources inside the building (people and appliances) are rather small. All hea
- Comparison of in-situ measurements and hygrothermal simulations of four different interior insulation systems @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works:comparison_of_in_situ_measurements_and_hygrothermal_simulations_of_four_different_interior_insulation_systems
- lation is strongly needed. From the view point of building physics, insulating the exterior side of a wall i... better solution. In many cases though, e.g. if a building is listed, this is not possible. So insulating th... the above issues come together in the residential building complex called “Hohenzollern-Höfe“ in Ludwigshafe... xterior insulation and finishing system since the building is listed. So, the concept of interior insulation