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- PHPP - validated and proven in practice @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- demonstrated that the thermal characteristics of buildings - even in the case of Passive Houses - could be r... on and already published before completion of the buildings. \\ \\ Mitchell and Natarajan investigated a larg... y standards and not specific for energy efficient buildings - and it does not matter much in the case of pass... re made for the Passive House standard – i.e. for buildings which require very little energy for heating. Her
- Dynamic simulation of a building's thermal performance
- l room model used in instationary simulation of a buildings \\ thermal performance; this is the model-type us... eat gains may be tolerable for energy inefficient buildings, but lead to high differences in the calculated d... ents. However, boundary conditions encountered in buildings require considerable effort even for a single sub... odel for the treatment of the thermal behavior of buildings is characterized by a high level of complexity as
- PHPP – Passive House Planning Package
- hod_for_determining_thermal_comfort_in_summer_for_buildings_without_active_cooling|passive cooling tool]] )\\... ventilation for large objects and non-residential buildings, taking into account of renewable energy sources and refurbishment of existing buildings (EnerPHit). The PHPP is continuously being valida... urophit.eu/files/EuroPHit_T2.4.2_Report_PHPPForOldBuildings.compressed.pdf|PHPP for old buildings with high e
- Internal heat gains in relation to living area @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- ssumptions for internal heat gains in residential buildings in the PHPP 9// \\ \\ \\ At the 18th Passive Ho... lues for internal heat gains (IHG) in residential buildings [Grant 2014]. For the UK they ascertained that hi... will be used as a standard value for residential buildings in the PHPP 9 (2015). The calculations were perfo... ricity applications particularly in Passive House buildings. In terms of planning, it is easy to influence th
- Energy balances - Background
- course it does. But the savings in well-insulated buildings are not very high.\\ \\ The issue of temperature ... hod_for_determining_thermal_comfort_in_summer_for_buildings_without_active_cooling|passive cooling sheet]]. ... d or consumption values used? It's quite simple: buildings are of various sizes: from the smallest detached
- Calculation guide for temperature reduction factors to temperature zone "X" in the PHPP "Areas" worksheet @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- conservative approach and is only recommended for buildings, for which the influence on the total specific he... ISO 13789. * For unheated garages attached to buildings, investigations by PHI have shown that the reduct
- Variant calculations and economic assessment with PHPP 9 @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- e and easy-to-use tool for planning Passive House buildings and EnerPHit retrofits. It is also accepted as pr... inability rating and new classes of Passive House buildings. * An amended Verification sheet to reflect ne
- PHPP calculations in hot and humid climates @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- f optimising the energy efficiency of residential buildings in cool-temperate climates where the space heatin