Fulltext results:
- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached
- ygiene are also the same for all three classes. But heating energy demand does not tell the whole sto... array, it can produce a certain amount of energy, but the amount per square meter of floor area decreas... n in combination with an improved hot water distribution system. This variant has a PER demand of 43 kW... y from shower water and optimized hot water distribution as in variant 1c, the roof can be completely c
- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation
- area is unlikely for economic reasons. The contribution of wind energy to the total mix in the calcula... e slightly on the safe side in this regard. Last but not least, the electricity produced from hydropow... s taken into account based on the predicted contribution of this energy source to each country’s future... ficiency of only approx. 30 %. Finally, 5 % distribution losses are added for all electricity transmiss