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- Planning criteria for Passive Houses in New Zealand
- ve Houses in New Zealand ====== //**Commissioned by the School of Architecture and Planning at The Un... as well as with minimised ventilation heat losses by means of comfort ventilation with highly efficien... 10 W/m², a Passive House can be kept warm solely by heating the supply air needed to cover the fresh ... mple building with varying parameters was studied by means of dynamic simulations. The example buildin
- Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates
- rom Amory Lovins' idea of reducing the investment by using a more energy efficient design, going that ... ing, this means to radically reduce the peak load by means of insulation, heat recovery, highly insula... ding and the reduction of the internal heat loads by using highly energy efficient equipment. Again, t... ergy which might still be needed can be delivered by cooling of the fresh air supply required for good