Fulltext results:
- Passive House schools – How to go about it
- if temperature asymmetries can be excluded (e.g. by the use of heaters near the windows). [{{ :pico... Quality in Schools]]; see Protocol Volume section by R. Pfluger and the Protocol Volumes [[planning:no... quipped with a time control mechanism; regulation by means of presence detectors or CO<sub>2</sub> sen... the periods of use and purge phases.\\ **Heating by means of the supply air** \\ Heating the classroo
- Passive House Schools - Boundary Conditions
- quality.**\\ \\ This was shown in a contribution by Rainer Pfluger in the relevant Protocol Volume [[... t smell like a school here at all").}}] As shown by experience, it should be ensured that the technol... off the air flows – this is achieved most easily by using the **recirculation mode after the period o... r is well-advised to **approach the optimum level by complying with the classic Passive House Standard