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- Types of ventilation @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- Excellent air quality is especially essential and can only be achieved if "used" air is regularly repla... dows. * Apart from that, condensation damage can occur due to the warm air escaping through cracks... ntilation, adequate air exchange in new buildings can only take place by means of regular purge ventila... increased risk of high air humidity. Because we cannot perceive the indoor air quality ourselves and
- Air volumes @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- r ideas and new technologies, much better results can be achieved, but improved systems haven’t yet bec... g and dimensioning the system – over-dimensioning can lead to problems for lower air volumes! ==== Fir... hosen carefully so that even small air flow rates can be transported and the air volumes should be dime... f the total quantity of moisture which \\ the air can take up at -5°C (humidity saturation at -5°C).\\
- Passive House - 6 reasons why you still need opening windows
- nt; of course, in some circumstances such systems can provide another solution. Providing large volumes... ly much more difficult than cleaning windows that can be opened and cleaned from the inside. Openable w... thus make a building much easier to maintain and can help reduce running costs.\\ 4. Monitoring resul... ummer or users feeling closed in – something that can be prevented with a turn and tilt fitting. Base
- Comparison of energy performance of ventilation systems using passive vs. active heat recovery
- 45 Wh/m³. The resulting total electricity demands can now be compared. ===== Investigated systems ====... ndard DIN 18599-6:2016** ===== Results ===== As can be seen from Figure 1 and Figure 2, a heat pump u... re are also cases in which extract air heat pumps can be integrated efficiently into the overall mechan... both a passive core and an exhaust air heat pump can be a highly attractive integrated solution to eff
- Differentiation between Vv and Vn50 values
- ct&800|}}] ---- A more detailed explanation can be found in the following sources: [[http://pass