Fulltext results:
- Planning criteria for Passive Houses in New Zealand
- evel of thermal comfort and excellent air quality can thus be guaranteed. As a direct consequence of t... d heating load of around 10 W/m², a Passive House can be kept warm solely by heating the supply air nee... e-independent objective is to plan buildings that can be heated and cooled via the supply air mass flow... Houses were defined for all three locations that can be heated via the supply air. The general charact
- Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates
- etails have to be adapted.** \\ \\ This statement can be taken as the general rule governing the design... oundary conditions vary. Thus the solution method can well be applied independently of the circumstance... unt of cooling energy which might still be needed can be delivered by cooling of the fresh air supply r... technology needed for cooling / dehumidification can be achieved. Some rules of thumb which are vali
- Passive Houses in hot, humid climates
- assive Houses for different climate zones// which can be ordered [[http://passiv.de/literaturbestellung... h immovable shades. As a result, the cooling load can be reduced to a level that supply air can cover. Overnight ventilation is not an option for the eight ... igh outdoor temperatures and air humidity, but it can be helpful in the winter. \\ \\ **Dynamic buildin