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- PB 41: Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings @phi_publications:pb_41
- ndary conditions that are relevant for the summer can differ significantly from those in residential bu... uisition and application of suitable models, this can predict the thermal conditions inside the buildin... r in this Protocol Volume. The room being studied can be situated in the centre of one side of the buil... r as full glazing. Different levels of insulation can also be considered, based on the Passive House st
- List of Passive House Conference contributions since 1996
- t |Frankfurt am Main, Passive House Capital - how can the success story continue? |73 | |2013 |17 |Pa... ting the real heat loss of a Passivhaus building: Can the UK’s energy performance gap be bridged? |169 ... ting the real heat loss of a Passivhaus building: Can the UK’s energy performance gap be bridged? |159 ... gy sustainability: what the Passive House concept can do up to 2060 |503 | |2013 |17 |Nachhaltigkeit
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2015 to 2018
- 3 | |2018 |22 |Session VII |Pallantzas, Stefan |Can a single 2kW Mini-split heat and cool a 100m² pas... e ceilings |353 | |2018 |22 |Session VII |Arda, Can |A Modular Approach to Building Purpose-Oriented ... lich, Kristin |Component Award 2018 - ventilation can be affordable |587 | |2018 |22 |Session XIII |S... r, Brett C. |Testing recirculating cooker hoods - Can their filter reduce (ultra)fine particale loads d
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2011 to 2014
- |2014 |18 |Session VII Poster |Szalavicz, Anca |Can Passivhaus Standards be adapted to high-rise resi... r |Frankfurt am Main, Passive House Capital - how can the success story continue? |73 | |2013 |17 |Pa... ting the real heat loss of a Passivhaus building: Can the UK’s energy performance gap be bridged? |159 ... gy sustainability: what the Passive House concept can do up to 2060 |503 | |2013 |17 |Sustainability
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2019 to 2023
- |Session 08|Style Oliver|Dealing with Heat Waves: Can I Use the PHPP to Size Cooling Equipment?| |2023|... 23|26|Plenary|Vibert Raphaël|The PH-Certification can either be a burden or a mighty quality catalyser!... 4|Tzanev, Dragomir| |Fighting off energy poverty: can Passive House be the answer?| | |2020 |24|Sessio... amille|designPH 2.0 - What new shading algorithms can do for you!| | |2019 |23|Session19|Stefan, Schir
- List of articles from the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses
- eter |Temperature differenciation in appartments |Can wishes come true? Temperatures in Passive Houses