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- Energy Efficiency in Domestic Electrical Energy Use
- preferences differ. The same holds for TV sets of different size and vastly variable daily runtime. For washi... explain the greater part of the variation, while different appliance characteristics also play a role. Inter... e are hampered by the fact that Austria applies a different set of categories to group the shares. Given the ... |}} \\ Figure 16.: Annual Share per Category in Different Countries \\ It strikes that in the German case
- Heat losses caused by drain pipes in the PHPP
- the ambient air are of minor importance. \\ Many different configurations are possible, with sewers being located at different depths in the ground, carrying different water volumes, and being used either for pure waste water, pure sto... of the cross-section reduce the airflow rate to a different extent. \\ From an analysis of some examples, th
- Experience Passive House - Passive House Open Days
- the public. \\ ===== Is life in a Passive House different than in other buildings? ===== Characteristic fe... ng district of Innsbruck. The 6 buildings were in different stages of renovation so that the visitors could see the different steps of retrofitting. Some facades only started,
- Renovation Strategies assessed via District Energy Balance
- t energy balances that was developed in Sinfonia, different renovation strategies for a residential district ... example residential district in order to compare different renovation scenarios. \\ ---- ===== Renovati
- SINFONIA Condensation Tool
- methodology, it could in theory be verified using different and more detailed methods e.g. dynamic calculatio