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- Primary Energy Renewable PER @basics:energy_and_ecology
- ======Primary Energy Renewable PER====== Welcome to the Primary Energy Renewable (PER) landing page. Here you will be able t... for buildings===== Common methodologies for the energy efficiency assessment of buildings are: * Primary energy (PE) (non-renewable) or * the greenhouse gas i
- Greenhouse effect and climate protection @basics:energy_and_ecology
- been using large quantities of this carbon as an energy carrier. The fuel containing carbon is burned, ... hat are the reasons for the increased CO2 levels? Energy Consumption ===== ** Climate change is mainly caused by fossil energy consumption.**\\ \\ About 80 % of the worlwide energy consumption today(2020; 2008 it was still 85%) is c
- Zero-energy and zero heating energy houses @basics:energy_and_ecology
- ====== Zero-energy and zero heating energy houses ====== ===== Foreword ===== The very first zero-energy houses which were built in the 1970s required com... nical systems. Today however, experience with low-energy houses has shown a more practical and easier appr
- Energy efficiency – the key to future energy supply
- ====== Energy efficiency – the key to future energy supply====== ...it is possible to reduce the energy demand to near zero without relinquishing comfort. \\ Energy efficiency does not mean that one has to feel col
- Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard @basics:energy_and_ecology
- ====== Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard ====== ===== Cumulated primary energy demand (CED) ===== A full comparison must take p... d. In the work mentioned, the **cumulated primary energy demand (CED) was compared over an 80-year usage p
- Primary energy – quantifying sustainability @basics:energy_and_ecology
- ====== Primary energy – quantifying sustainability====== The primary energy demand determines the impact on the environment. To be more exact: * The total primary energy demand from non-renewable energy sources that is supplied to the building ((**There are many environmenta
- Efficiency of household appliances and their impact on the primary energy demand of residential buildings @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply
- sehold appliances and their impact on the primary energy demand of residential buildings ====== Author: E... nce a project is designed as a Passive House, the energy demand from heating and cooling is drastically re... ances becomes more relevant for the total primary energy demand of the building. At a household level, the energy demand from appliances (white goods) can be the l
- Passive House and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Connecting an international building standard with global aims
- to design and development. * Social housing and energy poverty: Helping combat fuel poverty and climate change by lowering heating and cooling energy demand, and thus carbon emissions, through high energy efficiency. * Education: Building capacity and s... ldings: Creating durable buildings, which through energy efficiency, are resilient to fluctuating energy p
- Economic feasibility of Passive House design @basics:affordability
- accounted for. The idea behind the conception of energy efficient building design is to reduce energy consumption costs (and other annual expenses e.g. for maint... ing the renovation or new built construction. The energy-cost savings then can be used to finance the extr... ded to get better building components to form the energy efficient building envelope: * more and better
- Passive House – the next decade | Determining application-specific PER factors @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply:passive_house_the_next_decade
- e [[basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply:passive_house_the_next_decade|beginning of... to be built and its efficiency depend greatly on energy-consuming applications' load curves; it turns out... ating drops to zero for several months at a time. Energy generated from primary power sources (wind turbin... mix, they also depend //greatly on the individual energy application// and its demand profile. \\ \\ ====
- Passive House – the next decade @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply
- = Efficiency Criteria ===== Major changes in the energy supply structure over the next few years will lead to constantly changing primary energy factors. For that reason alone, the frequently used nonrenewable primary energy demand will no longer be suitable for assessing buildings' energy efficiency. \\ In order to determine a new measu
- Economy and financing of efficiency: new buildings, renovation and step by step retrofit @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency
- life cycle costs has become a major issue in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) of the ... s are assignment of costs that are not related to energy efficiency, underestimation of life expectancy, f... he calculation period, unrealistic assumptions on energy price increases, unreliable design and quality of... ese influences is usually that estimated economic energy savings result much lower than they are, which tu
- Efficiency vs. Efficiency Factor
- ency = benefit / effort** have the dimension of "energy" or "power". But very often the provided benefit has nothing to do with energy. For example, the benefit can be a mileage (unit... this because most activities requiring the use of energy do not have the dimension of energy.\\ * And there is no "minimum amount of energy required based on p
- Energy and ecology
- ====== Energy and ecology ====== Buildings play a big role in climate protection and sustainability, as they are responsible for 35% of energy consumption worldwide. The carbon dioxide emissio... around 1% per year according to the International Energy Agency. Read more about Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions over the life cycle. [[basics:ener
- What is a Passive House?
- eo by Dr. Wolfgang Feist }}** {{ :picopen:heating_energy_savings_diagram_e.jpg?300}} A building standard that is truly **energy efficient**, **comfortable**, **affordable** and... \ \\ Yet, a Passive House is more than just a low-energy building.\\ \\ * Passive House buildings allow for heating and cooling related energy savings of up to 90% compared with typical buildi
- Renewable primary energy demand in residential buildings with high energy intensity @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply
- Philips Experimental House Research 1974ff: Passive versus Active Measures in Europe & America @basics:the_passive_house_-_historical_review
- Introduction - Passive House buildings in different climates @basics:passive_houses_in_different_climates
- Passive House – the next decade | Methodology @basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply:passive_house_the_next_decade
- Factors that influence the energy balance and affordability of non-residential EnerPHit projects @basics:affordability:investing_in_energy_efficiency:economic_feasibility_of_passive_house_retrofits
- Special features and characteristics of components in contact with the ground @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:ground_contact
- Exterior wall on floor slab @basics:building_physics_-_basics:thermal_bridges:tbcalculation:examples