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- Primary Energy Renewable PER
- ======Primary Energy Renewable PER====== Welcome to the Primary Energy Renewable (PER) landing page. Here you will be able t... for buildings===== Common methodologies for the energy efficiency assessment of buildings are: * Primary energy (PE) (non-renewable) or * the greenhouse gas i
- Greenhouse effect and climate protection
- been using large quantities of this carbon as an energy carrier. The fuel containing carbon is burned, ... hat are the reasons for the increased CO2 levels? Energy Consumption ===== ** Climate change is mainly caused by fossil energy consumption.**\\ \\ About 80 % of the worlwide energy consumption today(2020; 2008 it was still 85%) is c
- Zero-energy and zero heating energy houses
- ====== Zero-energy and zero heating energy houses ====== ===== Foreword ===== The very first zero-energy houses which were built in the 1970s required com... nical systems. Today however, experience with low-energy houses has shown a more practical and easier appr
- Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard
- ====== Life Cycle energy balances, Embodied energy and the Passive House Standard ====== ===== Cumulated primary energy demand (CED) ===== A full comparison must take p... d. In the work mentioned, the **cumulated primary energy demand (CED) was compared over an 80-year usage p
- Primary energy โ quantifying sustainability
- ====== Primary energy โ quantifying sustainability====== The primary energy demand determines the impact on the environment. To be more exact: * The total primary energy demand from non-renewable energy sources that is supplied to the building ((**There are many environmenta
- Renewable sources of energy
- ====== Renewable sources of energy ====== // There are great potentials in improving efficiency, and in addition, energy efficiency and renewable energy go hand in hand for solving the issue of climate protection.//\\ \\ The P... ple for this: * more than a third of the total energy consumption of a Passive House in a typical cool