Fulltext results:
- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached @certification:passive_house_categories
- ssive House building already has this part of the energy transition taken care of. After all, the low energy demand in a Passive House can sustainably come from regional energy sources. The supply structure is transitioning fr... ncouragingly rapid pace. The conventional primary energy assessment systems for energy demand in buildings
- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation @certification:passive_house_categories
- duction ===== The so-called PER concept (Primary Energy Renewable) were first introduced by Wolfgang Feis... ] [[basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply:passive_house_the_next_decade|Passive Hous... e [[basics:passive_house_-_assuring_a_sustainable_energy_supply:passive_house_the_next_decade|Passive Hous... y. With an hourly resolution load profiles of the energy demand are simulated in the context of a future s
- The Passive House Classes: Classic, Plus and Premium
- sses: Classic, Plus and Premium ====== Renewable energy is the ideal complement to the efficiency of the ... their overall efficiency level and the renewable energy generation. The classes Plus and Premium were fir... he same for all three classes (relating to useful energy demand for heating and cooling, as well as airtig... ferent classes is driven by the //total// primary energy demand, as well as renewable energy supply. The h
- Building Certification
- all coherent planning with a competently executed energy balance, elaboration of the details and documenta... ssive House projects confirm this. ---- ====== Energy Standards ====== ====Passive House Classic, Plus... cially high levels of indoor comfort with minimum energy consumption. The Passive House Standard offers e... can be achieved depending on the use of renewable energy sources. \\ ------ ==== EnerPHit Classic, Plus
- Building Criteria: Overview of Changes
- constituted guidelines for an excellent level of energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness and comfortable li... ortant are described here: ===Renewable primary energy (PER) === PHI has developed a new primary energy evaluation system which anticipates a future energy supply solely through renewable sources. This system
- Evaluation of server and server room efficiency for non-residential buildings that exceed the primary energy criterion
- non-residential buildings that exceed the primary energy criterion ====== According to the certification ... r a special-use building that exceeds the primary energy requirements it must be demonstrated, that this exceedance occurs despite the use of energy efficient equipment. In this case the certifier i... ther Passive House components, basically the most energy-efficient and cost-effective server variant shoul
- EnerPHit – the Passive House Certificate for retrofits
- HI has developed the “EnerPHit – Quality-Approved Energy Retrofit with Passive House Components” Certificate. Significant energy savings of between 75 and 90 % can be achieved ev... * efficient heat generation * use of renewable energy sources These are exactly the same measures that... teria for the Passive House, EnerPHit and PHI Low Energy Building Standard]] \\ \\ [[.:certified_passive_
- Certification of terraced houses and semi-detached/duplex houses according to Passive House Institute criteria
- teria for the Passive House, EnerPHit and PHI Low Energy Building Standard]]** ---- For terraced houses ... s (usually the end-of-terrace houses) can have an energy demand that is slightly higher than the requirements. A collective PHPP energy balance is prepared for the entire row of terrace... fils the criteria in itself. For this, a separate energy balance is prepared for each house using the Pass
- Certified Passive House Components
- e House Standard excels due to its extremely high energy savings in comparison with ordinary new construct... of details, this requires the use of particularly energy-efficient components –which are generally about t... g health and comfort (“comfort criteria”) and * energy balance during practical application (“energy criteria”). It is the objective of the PHI to base the req
- Certification of buildings in which the ground floor is used for commercial purposes (for PHPP 9, revised 5-Sep-2016)
- PP 9. ** ---- For the Passive House Institute's energy standards, the entire heated volume of a building... (residential, offices etc.) are considered in the energy balance. A very common type of building is that ... r of the ground floor areas is not known when the energy balance is set up. Options for the certification
- Criteria for buildings in other languages @certification:certified_passive_houses
- om/03_certification/02_certification_buildings/08_energy_standards/08_energy_standards.html|Criteria for the Passive House, EnerPHit and PHI Low Energy Building Standard]]. They are published in German
- Addendum concerning the use of vacuum insulation
- e condensation and mould growth. In addition, the energy balance is disrupted, leading to a worse energy performance than design. For these reasons, the Passive
- Certification of Passive House office buildings @certification:certified_passive_houses
- disadvantageous solution in terms of the primary energy demand and will also impair the thermal comfort i
- Sample Documents for Building Certification @certification:certified_passive_houses
- ants_offsite.pdf|Completed sheet}} for renewable energy generation systems that are not installed on the