Fulltext results:
- List of Passive House Conference contributions since 1996
- enary Session |Passive House efficiency makes the energy revolution affordable |61 | |2013 |17 |Passivhau... Komponenten |89 |Passive House Capital Frankfurt |Energy retrofit of a Wilhelminian building with Passive ... Solutions & tools for the conservation compatible energy retrofit of historic buildings |135 |3ENCULT |Solutions & tools for the conservation compatible energy retrofit of historic buildings |125 | |2013 |17
- List of articles from the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses
- -residential buildings|Practical experiences with energy efficient cooling concepts in monitored Passive H... Wolfgang Feist|Energieeffizienz und Erneuerbare |Energy efficiency and renewable energy: Conflict of objectives or synergy?|Energy efficiency and renewable energy| |2021|56|Energieeffizienz und
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2011 to 2014
- ve House – a building standard on the path to the energy transition |57 | |2014 |18 |Greeting |Ürge-Vorsatz, Diana |Energy efficient buildings - an important opportunity to... 71 | |2014 |18 |Session I |Murschall, Hartmut |Energy efficiency in North-Rhine-Westphalia: political c... |18 |Session I |Klawitter, Inga; Probst, Jacques |Energy concept and sustainable design in Belgium's Germa
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2015 to 2018
- ls in the spotlight - economics, ecology and grey energy |135 | |2018 |22 |Session II |Pfluger, Rainer |... III |Zakrzewski, Stas |The Importance of Embodied Energy in Today's Passive House Design |161 | |2018 |2... implementing nZEB and the Global UN framework for energy efficient buildings. |207 | |2018 |22 |Session ... es, Emanuel |Innovative sustainable construction: Energy independent CLT Passive House for South Europe |3
- List of all released conference proceedings from 2019 to 2023
- 26|session 04|Ariff Ifrah|Evaluating Two Years of Energy Performance for a Passive House Plus Dwelling| |2... efurbished buildings – the right path towards the energy transition?| |2023|26|Plenary|Bere Justin|Is Pass... st Wolfgang, Krick Benjamin, \\ Schnieders Jürgen|Energy efficiency NOW! Why high efficiency is more impor... | |2023|26|Session 09|Kaufmann Berthold|OutPHit ─ Energy Efficient EnerPHit Renovation with prefab element
- PB 41: Planning tools for the summer situation in non-residential buildings @phi_publications:pb_41
- uate even without active cooling, or how high the energy demand for space cooling is, and how high the out... est here are the calculation of the annual useful energy demand for space cooling (hereafter referred to a... .jpg?nolink&600 |**Figure 1: The principle of the energy balance method for heating: Indoor temperatures i... shown in detail. In contrast with this, there are energy balancing methods such as the annual and monthly