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- Classic, Plus, Premium: The Passive House classes and how they can be reached @certification:passive_house_categories
- k 2015].// ===== Introduction ===== Anyone who has built or lives in a Passive House building already has this part of the energy transition taken care of.... to a building’s treated floor area. If a building has a photovoltaic array, it can produce a certain am... y [Krick 2012]. Because biomass can be stored and has a high energy density, it will mainly be needed i
- Building Certification
- ing_criteria_en.pdf| Criteria for Buildings]] PHI has integrated the content of the Building Certificat... ide into the Criteria for Buildings document. PHI has discontinued the development of the Building Cert... nambiguously defined: The Passive House Institute has formulated the criteria for Passive Houses for di... ding_criteria_en.pdf|Criteria for Buildings]] PHI has integrated the content of the Building Certificat
- Building Criteria: Overview of Changes
- million square metres of Passive House floor area has been certified through the quality assurance syst... here: ===Renewable primary energy (PER) === PHI has developed a new primary energy evaluation system ... ply solely through renewable sources. This system has been adopted into the criteria and replaces the p... andard referred to as the PHI Low Energy Building has been added to the PHI building criteria. The requ
- PER-factors for electricity use: Location & application specific decarbonisation @certification:passive_house_categories
- es that a surplus of 50% renewable primary energy has to be generated in order to be able to meet the f... y from the renewable supply, (b) with energy that has temporarily been buffered, or (c) with energy fro... It is further assumed that the seasonal storage has the required capacity to store exactly the amount... city consumed via the seasonal storage, therefore has an overall efficiency of only approx. 30 %. Final
- EnerPHit – the Passive House Certificate for retrofits
- ven with adequate funds. For this reason, the PHI has developed the “EnerPHit – Quality-Approved Energy... thermal insulation (based on the principle: if it has to be done, do it right) * [[:planning:refurbis... able in the meantime. The Passive House Institute has advised on the implementation of several projects
- Evaluation of server and server room efficiency for non-residential buildings that exceed the primary energy criterion
- icient power supply unit. The 80 Plus initiative has specified criteria for the certification of effic... uter power supply units; a power supply unit that has achieved 80 Plus Platinum certification or, if po... e to implement the hardware requirements when purchasing a server. The key points are: * Refer to t
- Building Certification Guide (valid with "Criteria for Buildings" 10b and earlier)
- ding_criteria_en.pdf|Criteria for Buildings]] PHI has integrated the content of the Building Certificat... ide into the Criteria for Buildings document. PHI has discontinued the development of the Building Cert
- Certification of terraced houses and semi-detached/duplex houses according to Passive House Institute criteria
- er-occupied) apartment in an apartment block that has been certified as a Passive House building. Here
- Certified Passive House Components
- **[[https://blog.passivehouse-international.org/iphas-qa-with-phi-component-certification-with-edward-l