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- The world’s first Passive House, Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- se to the Passive House ===== {{:picopen:adamson_hastings_feist_teamwork1998.jpg?300 }} <- **Bo Adamson (left), Robert Hastings and Wolfgang Feist (author of this article) ... The photograph shows the two together with Robert Hastings, one of the pioneering American architects, ... -Kranichstein. Since then, this type\\ of glazing has become commonly available on the market:\\ see [[
- St. Josef Caritas-Haus, Germany - the first prefabricated large module Passive House nursing home @examples:residential_buildings:nursing_homes:central_europe
- conversion or an extension, a nursing home always has to meet high planning and implementation requirem... e existing nursing home on the same premises that has room for 74 persons. The client and funding insti... odour of urine that is typical for nursing homes has not occurred in the Neuwerk Caritas-Haus so far.\... is the first time that the Passive House Standard has been implemented in a large construction with pre
- “Am Buir”, Wassenberg, Germany – the world’s smallest Passive House @examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses:central_europe
- challenging task in the case of a building which has a total living area of only 83m² and whose rear w... o if a considerable part of the original building has to be retained due to building preservation requi... Architekten**//|\\ \\ The surface-to-volume ratio has a decisive influence on the heating demand of a b... to the building materials class B1 and thus also has good fire-resisting properties. The material does
- The Nestwerk Residential Project in Dresden @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- courtyard shared by everyone. Each apartment also has a garden for personal use. The useable floor area... chitects and engineers, both during the planning phase and during the construction of the buildings. Th... nion, the future development of the Passive House has to lead to an integral ecological concept does no... rices Gas (€/kWh)| 0.0452 | 0.0452 | |Purchase Electricity (€/yr)| 983 | 1.134 | |Purch
- Neuwerk Caritas-Haus, Germany - the world’s first Passive House nursing home for the elderly @examples:residential_buildings:nursing_homes:central_europe
- Europe’s first nursing home for the elderly that has been built according to the Passive House Standard, has been occupied since July 2003.\\ \\ The church, t... 4m²\\ Costs: €6,020,000 pre-tax\\ Completed work phases: 1-9\\ ===== See also ===== The St. Josef Car
- Multi-family Passive House buildings in Germany @examples:residential_buildings:multi-family_buildings:central_europe
- lly planned using the PHPP.\\ The research report has been published and is available for download\\ he
- Single-family Passive House buildings in Germany and Austria @examples:residential_buildings:single_-_family_houses:central_europe
- ce. Besides residential buildings\\ Carsten Grobe has planned and built a number of non-residential\\ P