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- Exterior wall on floor slab
- moisture barrier (layer number 17) and therefore has a poorer rated value for thermal conductivity acc... only modelled up to the axis of symmetry and thus has the length $\frac{B'}{2}=3{,}996 \, \text{m}$. Th... b reaches a few centimetres into the ground. This has the effect that the resultant Ψ-value matches the... *Attention !** If the connection to be calculated has an insulation skirt, then its influence will also
- Unheated basement
- e heated interior space and the outdoor air which has to be taken into account. {{ :picopen:unbeheizte... r a temperature difference of 1 K the conductance has the same numerical value as the sum of the heat f
- Heated basement
- sement wall connection to the basement floor slab has not been implemented in an ideal manner. One wou