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- Baseline study - implementing the Passive House concept in hospitals @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph_hospitals
- nd processes that give off great amounts of waste heat within the given area. \\ An analysis of guideli... Often, the question is whether efforts to reduce heat demand are worthwhile if there is so much waste heat from processes within the hospital anyway. A close... lysis of processes that use low-temperature waste heat shows that the additional processes needed to rec
- Introduction: Retail stores as Passive Houses
- ooling of goods, or without. There are such large heat flows in the open refrigerated shelves that the amount of internal heat gains becomes negative in spite of high energy ex... :01_pb40_einfuehrung_en_abb.2.png?400|**Figure 2: Heat dissipated by the refrigeration installation is d... igerated shelves withdraw considerable amounts of heat from the room, which, at least in part, is usuall
- Passive House schools – How to go about it @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools
- ary School in Alsfeld in infrared light; the high heat losses through the windows are very noticeable (r... the external wall and roof also radiate a lot of heat.}}] [{{ :picopen:thermographie_neubau_passivhaus... ments#Literature|[AkkP 30] ]]). Highly-efficient heat recovery from exhaust air is essential for Passive House schools (**heat recovery rate of about 80%** and specific **elect
- Aspects of efficient ventilation in hospitals @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph_hospitals
- seline study also looked into the extent to which heat recovery systems can be used in hospital ventilat... to be excessively large in order to handle indoor heat loads. \\ Not all areas of a hospital are used a... greatest pressure losses in hospitals along with heat recovery. The enormous amounts of air that need t... m³/h** \\ \\ Source: product information from GEA Heat Exchangers//|\\ \\ If the filter outlet surface i
- Energy efficiency in cafeterias and commercial kitchens @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:cafeterias_and_commercial_kitchens
- each of these processes creates a lot of internal heat and moisture, which has to be drawn out of the ki... , if kitchen appliances are of the right size, if heat is recovered from extract air, and if the ventila... o is the need for secondary processes to draw off heat and improve indoor air quality. \\ \\ ===== Summ... ation. Despite moderate indoor air temperatures, heat given off by hot surfaces reduced thermal comfort
- Ventilation in commercial kitchens @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:cafeterias_and_commercial_kitchens
- ation. Kitchen ventilation systems have to remove heat, moisture, and aerosols emitted during cooking an... sumption, but also the amount of energy needed to heat fresh air. This paper therefore focuses on ways o... t nonetheless fulfill comfort requirements. \\ **Heat recovery:** Unfortunately, there is still a lot of reluctance to use heat recovery in kitchen ventilation systems. The conc
- Passive House Schools - Boundary Conditions @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools
- heating using supply air, it is also possible to heat up the rooms to a comfortable level during the pr... dary conditions of use, the building envelope and heat recovery are designed so that the __annual heatin... the boundary conditions (air quantities, internal heat sources, heat load) are very similar to those for residential use. [{{ :picopen:passivhaus_schulen_hei