Fulltext results:
- Insulation vs. thermal mass @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- of the thermal storage capacity of a wall and the heat gains from solar radiation are insufficiently, or... e the scientific community of applying laws (e.g. heat conductivity or the second law of thermodynamics)... erature doesn't fall below 14°C. The few interior heat sources have a moderating effect on the temperatu... although it is not "absolutely" certain that the heat equation correctly describes the thermal processe
- Comparison of energy performance of ventilation systems using passive vs. active heat recovery @planning:building_services:ventilation
- e of ventilation systems using passive vs. active heat recovery ====== Author: Dr Tomas Mikeska, Passiv... ses is a ventilation unit equipped with a passive heat recovery or energy recovery core (in the followin... equirement for certification of such systems is a heat recovery efficiency of 75% at a maximum electrici... re difference, the COP of such a system, i.e. the heat recovered divided by the electricity consumption,
- Compact HVAC systems @planning:building_services
- rise if there is poor indoor air quality. * If heat is not recovered from the used air, there will be high ventilation heat losses – this isn't the way to achieve an energy ... ity of indoor air. Home ventilation with passive heat recovery is indispensable in new constructions an... ce_of_ventilation_systems_using_passive_vs_active_heat_recovery|passive versus active ventilation heat r
- Thermal insulation @planning:thermal_protection
- s usually higher than it is outside. As a result, heat is lost through the envelope and, unless this heat is replaced, the inside of the building cools down a... t climates (or during hot periods) with excessive heat entering the building through its envelope. Therefore, it makes sense **to restrict the heat flow** in any building irrespective of the climat
- Internal heat gains in relation to living area @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- ng?nolink|}}]] \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ====== Internal heat gains in relation to living area ====== // New version of the standard assumptions for internal heat gains in residential buildings in the PHPP 9// \... ed a concept for new standard values for internal heat gains (IHG) in residential buildings [Grant 2014]... ng units (DU), as a result of which not only body heat from occupants but also the heat dissipated by el
- Types of ventilation @planning:building_services:ventilation:basics
- tion. If this is sufficent on wind-free days, the heat losses\\ during strong winds will be intolerably ... e). For one thing, a correspondingly high output heat supply near the inlet will then be necessary and ... ncoming air is not acceptable - and also the high heat los-\\ ses are inacceptable.\\ (Photograph and th... ent solution: supply and exhaust air systems with heat recovery ===== Ventilation will only work proper
- Energy balances - Background @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency
- nal surface\\ of the insulation.**//|\\ \\ ===== Heat losses and heat gains ===== Let us look at a heat flow which travels out of the balance area through the envelope, e.g... which escapes through a window. At first such a heat loss would reduce the energy in the balance area;
- Insulation works – Evidence no.1 "Measurements at a highly insulated wall" @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- tside temperatures\\ since it is protected by the heat insulation. The measurement values are exactly\\ ... The measurement results clearly indicate that the heat insulation works: * Throughout the entire pe... is room throughout the entire period of time. The heat is provided exclusively by the sun entering throu... e close to that of the room air. Extremely little heat is lost through the wall and can be compensated f
- Baseline study - implementing the Passive House concept in hospitals @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph_hospitals
- nd processes that give off great amounts of waste heat within the given area. \\ An analysis of guideli... Often, the question is whether efforts to reduce heat demand are worthwhile if there is so much waste heat from processes within the hospital anyway. A close... lysis of processes that use low-temperature waste heat shows that the additional processes needed to rec
- Introduction: Retail stores as Passive Houses @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings
- ooling of goods, or without. There are such large heat flows in the open refrigerated shelves that the amount of internal heat gains becomes negative in spite of high energy ex... :01_pb40_einfuehrung_en_abb.2.png?400|**Figure 2: Heat dissipated by the refrigeration installation is d... igerated shelves withdraw considerable amounts of heat from the room, which, at least in part, is usuall
- Ventilation @planning:building_services
- on in Passive House buildings]] * **Ventilation heat loss:** [[https://passipedia.org/playground/determining_ventilation_heat_losses_-_infiltration_mechanical_ventilation|Determining ventilation heat loss: infiltration, mechanical ventilation]] [{{ ... nating excess moisture and odours. In the winter, heat from the warm, stale air(extract air) isn't trans
- Experience with drain water heat recovery @planning:building_services:heating_and_dhw:experience_with_drain_water_heat_recovery
- ====== Experience with drain water heat recovery ====== ===== Introduction ===== Domestic wastewater... te to heating, it makes perfect sense to use this heat source in some way. \\ One standard approach is heat pumps that use wastewater flowing through large intercepting sewer ducts as a heat source. Passive heat recovery or a heat pump can
- Types of glazing and their specific values @planning:thermal_protection:windows
- han for any other building component. The overall heat transfer coefficient (U<sub>w</sub>-value) of win... -value was about **5.5 W/(m²K)**, * the annual heat losses through 1 m² of such a window were equival... er to about **2.8 W/(m²K)**, which means that the heat losses are about half of those of the single glaz... dew point (see picture right hand side). * The heat losses cost about € 21 per m² each year - and tha
- Outdoor thermography @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- aphs – the only difference being that they depict heat rays instead of visible light.\\ \\ |{{ :picopen:... the outdoor air; therefore they neither give off heat nor do they absorb heat. * ** The temperatures measured for the areas of the facade that have alr... fact, the temperature difference is due to small heat losses which remain even with the wall being insu
- PHLuft
- PHLuft Tool consists of the following parts: * Heat output * Ground heat exchanger * Heat exchanger This tool is intended to support the ventilation planner of Passive House ventilation systems in his work. **Heat output** With the help of this part of the Tool,
- Passive House schools – How to go about it @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools
- Energy use for heating in a well insulated new building @planning:thermal_protection:thermal_protection_works
- Sound generation, sound dispersion and sound proofing in heat pumps @planning:building_services:heating_and_dhw:heating:heat_pumps
- Component Award 2016: Affordable ventilation solutions for retrofits @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Economic analysis for the retrofit of a detached single family house to the EnerPHit standard @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Aspects of efficient ventilation in hospitals @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:ph_hospitals
- Energy efficiency in cafeterias and commercial kitchens @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:cafeterias_and_commercial_kitchens
- Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in Step by Step Retrofitting Projects @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Ventilation in commercial kitchens @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:cafeterias_and_commercial_kitchens
- Passive House Schools - Boundary Conditions @planning:non-residential_passive_house_buildings:passive_house_schools
- PHPP - validated and proven in practice @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- Airtightness and airtightness measurement @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components:thermal_envelope
- Prospects for the modernisation of existing buildings using highly efficient components @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Step-by-step deep retrofit and building integrated façade/roof on a 'million program' house @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Step-by-step Retrofits towards EnerPHit Standard in social housing in Spain @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- “designPH” plugin for Trimble Sketchup @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- Refurbishment with Passive House components - introduction @planning:refurbishment_with_passive_house_components
- Passive House - 6 reasons why you still need opening windows @planning:building_services:ventilation
- Calculation guide for temperature reduction factors to temperature zone "X" in the PHPP "Areas" worksheet @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package
- Variant calculations and economic assessment with PHPP 9 @planning:calculating_energy_efficiency:phpp_-_the_passive_house_planning_package